Good Old Days

  • 1906

    Inflation: Jan 1– 0.00%
    Consumer Confidence Index CCI: N/A (at this time CCI wasn't created, it was later created in 1916)
    Consumer Price Index: N/A (created in 1917)
    GDP: 30.9
    GDP Per Capita: 5079
    Unemployment Rate: 280
    Interest Rates: N/A
    Discount Rates: N/A
    Reserve Ratio: 40
    Government Taxes: N/A
    Spending: N/A
  • The first phonograph

    This is when the first phonograph (record player) is manufactured.
  • 1907

    Inflation: Jan 1 1907 – 4.49%
    CCI: N/A
    Consumer Price Index: N/A
    GDP: 34
    GDP Per Capita: 5065
    Unemployment Rates: 600
    Interest Rates: N/A
    Discount Rates: N/A
    Reserve Ratio: 41
    Government Taxes: N/A
    Spending: N/A
  • The Panic of 1907

    This global financial crisis inspired the monetary reform movement and led to the creation of the Federal Reserve System.
  • 1908

    Inflation: Jan 1- -2.15%
    CCI: N/A
    Consumer Price Index: N/A
    GDP: 30.3
    GDP Per Capita: 4561
    Unemployment Rates: 2,960
    Interest rates: N/A
    Discount Rates: N/A
    Reserve Ratios: 42
    Government Taxes: N/A
    Spending: N/A
  • Supreme Court rules a union boycott violates Sherman Antitrust Act

  • 1909

    Inflation: Jan 1– 3.23%
    CCI: N/A
    Consumer Price Index: N/A
    GDP: 32.2
    GDP Per Capita: 5017
    Unemployment Rates: 1,870
    Interest Rates: N/A
    Discount Rates: N/A
    Government Taxes: N/A
    Reserve Ratios: 44
    Spending: N/A
  • The Hudson Motor Car Company is founded.

  • 1910

    Inflation: Jan 1 1910 – 10.74%
    CCI: N/A
    Consumer Price Index: N/A
    GDP: 33.4
    GDP Per Capita: N/A
    Unemployment Rates: 2,150
    Interest Rates: N/A
    Discount Rates: N/A
    Reserve Ratios : 45
    Govt Taxes: N/A
    Spending: N/A
  • The Wright Brothers take Flight

    The only flight taken together by Wilbur and Orville Wright occurs at Huffman Prairie Flying Field in Dayton, Ohio. Later that same year, on November 7, the first flight to carry freight would depart from Huffman and deliver its cargo to Columbus, Ohio.
  • 1911

    Inflation: Jan 1- -6.77%
    CCI: N/A
    Consumer Price Index: N/A
    GDP: 34.3
    GDP Per Capita: 5046
    Unemployment Rates: 2,290
    Interest Rates: N/A
    Discount Rates: N/A
    Reserve Ratios: 45
    Govt Taxes: N/A
    Spending: N/A
  • Standard Oil is declared an unreasonable monopoly by the United States Supreme Court

    Standard Oil is declared an unreasonable monopoly by the United States Supreme Court and ordered dissolved under the powers of the Sherman Antitrust Act.