This is when Sam first uses his power to hurt his step dad. At the time I think this was a negative event for him but later on I think he is grateful for his power. -
This is when Sam saves the school bus from crashing. This shows his leadership and calmness during a scary situation. This was a positive event for him because im sure he was proud of saving all those people. -
Sam Runs Into The Burning building.
Sam runs into the burning building to save the girl that was trapped. This is a significant event because this is when Sam finds out he is not the only one with powers. This is a negative event because Sam could not save the girl but I think it was kind of comforting to him to know he's not thye only one with powers. -
FAYZ Begins
This is when all the parents zap out. This is a significant event because Sam think it may have had something to do with his power. This is a negative event because all the parents are gone and there is nobody to take control. -
They Find the Barrier around the FAYZ
This is when they find the barrier around the FAYZ. This is significant because this is when they know that something more is going on and they are the only ones this is happening to. This is a negative event because they cannot leave. -
Little Pete Chokes Sam
This is when Little Pete starts to choke Sam in the power plant. This is signifigant because they find out that little pete has powers and they are strong. This is a negative event for Sam because he gets choked -
Caine Takes Over
This is when Caine comes in and assigns Sam to the fire department. This is significant because its when Caine starts to take over and control everybody. At the time I don't think Sam really minded but I think if he knew what he was planning he would not have been ok with it.C -
Finds Out He Has Brother
This is when he finds out he and Caine are brothers. This is significant because is what makes Caine go after him and really starts all the fighting. This is a negative event because Caine begins to fight him. -
Meets Lana and Coyotes
This is when they meet Lana and find out about the coyotes. THis is signicant because both the coyotes and Lana play a big role in the rest of the story. I think meeting Lana is a positive event because she can heal people that gte hurt which is useful but meeting the coyotes is a negative event. -
Sam Gathers An Army
Sam gathers an army in order to fight Caine. This is significant because this leads up to the big battle. I think this is a positive event because the more people they have it is a better chance they will win. -
Sam Defeats The Poof
Here Sam defeats the poof and stays in the FAYZ. This is significant because this gives hope to other people that they can stay in the FAYZ. This is a positive event because Sam gets to stay and protect the rest of the kids. -
He Battles Caine and Wins
This is when Sam battles Caine and wins. This is significant because Caine is no longer in control and can't hurt people anymore. This is a negative event for Sam because he wins.