InBody- 29.6% BF
Wt = 102.8 lbs.
BF = 30.5 lbs.
% BF = 29.6%
+13.2 lbs. Lean
-4.9 lbs fat -
Ordered the usual Turkey Club sandwich but did asked they take out the mayo and cheese. -
Period: to
Gon_Cla Body fat loss
Need to lose body fat mass. At least 3 pounds. -
InBody - 27.6% BF
Wt = 102 lbs.
BF = 28.2 lbs.
%BF = 27.6 %
+11. 7 lbs lean
- 2.6 lbs fat -
Brought my own breakfast and lunch to school (unusual on Monday) -
Did not get a pastry with coffee -
Brought my smoothie for breakfast again instead of buying the egg, cheese, and bacon sandwhich I switched to -
NYC day
Had 2 slices of pizza + half a cookie + ice cream + dumpling + cheese -
Hike day
cookies (several), chillis food, half a donut -
Lunch and breakfast
Brought breakfast and lunch as opossed to buying (morning egg sandwich and afternoon l lunch sandwhich) -
Cheat Friday
Had spanish food (fish, rice, beans, pork) for lunch, a bagel for breakfast, 4 beers -
Cheat sunday
Had an egg and cheese on a croissant for Breakfast, BBQ food for lunch/dinner -
First day working out
Worked out for 40 minutes at the gym - Lunges & Squats - broke a sweat -
InBody - 28.8 % BF
Wt= 103.6 lbs.
BF = 29.7 lbs.
%BF = 28.8
+11.7 lbs. lean
-4.2 lbs. fat