Goldfish 1


  • Goldfish

    Female goldfish lay approximately 25 eggs at one time. The adult goldfish like to eat the eggs so need to be seperated from the eggs to prevent this.
  • Period: to

    Goldfish Breeding

  • Laying Eggs

    Laying Eggs
    The female goldfish will rub against the plant life in the tank and release adhesive eggs that will attach to the pantlife.
  • Fertilisation

    The male goldfish will then spray the eggs to fertilise them
  • Eggs attached to plant life

    Eggs attached to plant life
    Eggs attach themselves tothe plant life in the tank
  • Eggs hatching

    Within 48-72 hours the eggs will hatch producing fry which will still be attached to the plant life in the tank.
  • Fry

    Fry or baby goldfish are large enough to resemble an eyelash with eyeballs. When fry start to swim they will need to be fed.Fry