Period: 499 BCE to 449 BCE
The Persian Wars
The battle of Marathon was the first battle of the Persian Wars there the Greeks won through the phalanx formation at the city-state, Marathon. The battle of Thermopylae was the first between the Persians and Greeks during the Persian invasion of 480-479 BC. The Greek force was very small but was determined to make a stand against the huge Persian army. The third battle was the battle of Salamis, which was a Sea battle in which Greeks sink 1/3 of Persian fleet. The Greeks won the Persian wars. -
Period: 479 BCE to 431 BCE
Golden Age of Athens
The golden age of Athens was when Athens became very wealthy and powerful as the leader of the Delian league after the Persian Wars. Athens economic prosperity led to the Golden age of culture and democracy. Pericles was the leader of Athens during the Golden Age. While he was in rule he increased democracy, created the strongest navy, and made Athens beautiful, including the building of the Parthenon. The Greeks invented two different types in Greek theatre: Tragedy, and comedy. -
Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE
The Peloponnesian War
During the Peloponnesian war Pericles brings all the citizens behind the city's wall for protection. However, Athens undergoes a plaque in the second year in which 1/3 of the population dies, including Pericles. So Sparta wins the war. Both city-states are so weakened by the war, that Phillip the II of Macedonia easily conquers Greece (Alexander the Greats father.) The causes of the Peloponnesian war: Athens became too powerful as leader of the Delian League. -
Period: 336 BCE to 323 BCE
Alexander The Great
After the Greek city-states where weakened from the Peloponnesian Wars, Phillip the II, King of Macedonia (Alexander the Greats father) conquered Greece. Phillip the II died at hid daughters wedding, making Alexander king at age 20. Alexander was well educated, and well-trained as a military officer. He was tutored by the philosopher, Aristotle and had gone on many military ventures with his father. Alexander conquered Greece + the Persian Empire. Alexander died of malaria at age 33.