Gold Rush

  • James Marshall Finds Gold

    James Marshall Finds Gold
    James Marshall found gold in the river near the sawmill he was building. It was reported, and caused the gold rush.
  • Period: to

    Forty-Niners Begin Coming to California

    People get word of gold in California and start moving in order to get their share of the precious metal.
  • Foreign Miners Tax

    Foreign Miners Tax
    The first Foreign Miners Tax was enacted, causing some foreign miners to quit, so they wouldn't be taxed $20.
  • 2nd Foreign Miners Tax

    2nd Foreign Miners Tax
    The second Foreign Miners Tax was specifically directed at the Chineese, in order to force them out of the mines. The first hadn't done enough.
  • California Gold Mining At Peak

    California Gold Mining At Peak
    The gold mining efforts had reached their peak during the entire gold rush period.
  • The Gold Rush Ends

    The Gold Rush Ends
    The gold rush ends, as people realize that there is no more gold left in the area.