Going Westward, Monique & Bibi

  • Nov 1, 1490

    Native Americans

    Native Americans
    Tribal healers Medicine men New medical inventions Importance of dreams Medicine man
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72uKe6iNwZ8 Native American: oral tradition of story telling Importance of song and dance
    example song; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaQW5jWMu8Y&feature=related Folktales, sacred myths; Pow wow
    Causes tribal wars:
    disputes about hunting grounds;
    family killed or captured etc
  • Nov 1, 1490

    Prehistoric Indians

    Prehistoric Indians
    Land/ice bridge connecting Siberia to Alaska (Ice Age 12,000 years ago)
    Prehistoric native Americans: nomadic hunters
    Later; hunter-gatherers (fruit, planted crops)
    Nature defined the economy and culture of a tribe, For example:
    - tribes living near lakes and rivers: fishermen (North West)
    • tribes living in dry and hot territory: nomads and/or hunter-gatherers (South & West)
    • tribes living in fertile areas: farmers (East/Coast)
      A belief in a creator
      Idea of afterlife
  • Nov 1, 1500

    America before discovery

    America before discovery
    Native Americans; origin Native Americans vs Indians Different tribes, different cultures
  • First contact with Europeans 1600-1650

    (1) British (Puritans) (2) Dutch (New York) (3)French
    South: Spanish settlers What type of contact?
    Military alliances
    Europeans ‘helping’ their native American allies fighting against other tribes
    Enormous increase of white settlers + whites conquered land by force Response native Americans: too late (too many white settlers, less technology/weapons)
    Indians either assimilated or resisted(failed)
  • Original States

    Original States
  • May flower compact

    Mayflower Compact Main rule: to help each other “for the general good of the colony unto which we promise all due submission and obedience” Only signed by men
  • Mayflower

    conquest for America
    European expansion - European politics First contact Europeans - native Americans Reasons for continuous European immigration British influence in the new colony
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXMjQWr3Z6Y&feature=related Other European powers present in America
    Origin pilgrim fathers: separatists Objective pilgrim fathers Separatists were fined/ captured/executed
    1620: 120 men, women and children left Delft with the Mayflower for Cape Cod
  • Puritans Plymouth

    Puritans (1629): new colony north of Plymouth (by John Winthrop)
    Plan was to design a new society
    Came to New England because of religions reasons
  • Eastern States

  • Indian American Wars

    Indian-American wars -Some tribes joined the British side during the American Revolution (1770’s) *After the revolution some tribes continued to fight the Americans (Apaches, Sioux) Success: Battle Little Big Horn (Sitting Bull, 1876)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLOw8CHjpzg&feature=related
     Last battle: Wounded Knee (1890), native Americans massacred
  • Indian reservations

    Reservation = reserved
    Before American Independence (1776)  Native Americans were promised new land in mid-West Promises were not kept
  • Independence War

    Independence War
    1776- 1783
    Causes American Victory
    Role France: European war England-France: weaking England Help of the French army Increasing debts English government
    British army used mercenaries; Spanish and Dutch governments supported Americans Leadership of Washington 1783 final peace settlement
    Revolutionary War was also a 'civil war'
    20% of white Americans remained loyal to the English: dividing friends and families
    Black Americans fought on both sides
  • Checks and Balances

    Checks and Balances
    NEW: Idea of balance within the powers that be. -Reason: anti-monarchy /absolutism -Origin: new 17th/18th century ideas of “democracy”, “rationalism” (Enlightenment) -Result: sharing of (political) power  Democracy & Republic Power and responsibilities shared between 3 branches
    Branches checking each other & all checked by ‘the constitution’
  • Nation Building

    Nation Building
    Establishing American government (1776)
    American flag (1777)
    The stripes represent the original 13 colonies,
    The stars represent the 50 states of the Union.
    The colors of the flag are symbolic as well: Red symbolizes Hardiness and Valor, White symbolizes Purity and Innocence and Blue represents Vigilance, Perseverance and Justice.
    Symbol: Eagle (1782, ‘Freedom’)
    Language (same -ish)
    US dollar (1794)
    National anthem (star spangled banner) 1931
    Independence day (4th of July)
  • Declaration of Indepenence

    Founding Fathers
    John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington
    Designed the new American Politicial system. Nation Building
    Nation-building is constructing or structuring a national identity using the power of the state.[1] Nation-building aims at the unification of the people within the state so that it remains politically stable and viable in a long run
  • George Washington First President

  • Politicial Parties

    Democratic - vs republican.
    Donkey VS Elephant
  • Slavery- Trialangular Trade

    Slavery- Trialangular Trade
    Black slaves were transported from West-Africa to America
    Slaves; mainly agricultural work (cotton, sugar, tobacco). Slavery existed because: A. Eonomical reasons:
    - Shortage of (white) labor
    - Cheap labour
    Native Americans too hostile .
    Economical motives stronger than religious motives B. Racist motive/concept of inequality
    18th century Europe was class divided: existing culture and ideas transferred to America
  • Mid west

    Mid west
    Many myths and stories Challenges:
    -mountains (nature),
    -wars with native Americans,
    -traditional transport, (horsewagons),
    -diseases etc.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Less than three cents per acre
    ($11,250,000 USD)
  • Chicago

    15 inhabitans --> 1989 1.698.575 inhabitans.
    Cities developed quickly 
    huge increase of population (largely poor, many of them foreigners) Population density was extremely high Diseases were so common in 19th century cities that the natural population growth was negative – meaning: only because of migration/immigration the population of cities increased.
  • Indian removal act

    Indian removal act
  • American Spanish Wars

    Spanish territory /Mexican territory was conquered during wars For example:
  • Westcoast

    1860-1900: Expansion to the westcoast Goldrush in California: migration
    The main reason for the quick expansion to the west:
    Railroads. (brought by Abraham Lincoln)
    A 19th century doctrine: the U.S. had the right and duty to expand throughout the North American continent.
  • Alaska

    USA bought Alaska from Russia (1867 $ 7.2 mln) (121 million by today’s standards)
  • Frontier Theory

    Frontier is the border between the civilized world and wilderness. The frontier and Americans American values like independence, individuality, freedom
    Continuous tension between civilization and wilderness Result: settlers losing their European identity
  • Major 19th Century social-economic changes

    1. Industrialisation
    2. Modern infrastructure/transport revolution
    3. Urbanisation/suburbia
    Positive effect:
     Productivity increased
     Production cheaper Negative effects (often described in novels):
    -Machines “taking over” from man;
    -Health problems;
    -Assembly lines  work dull
    -First strikes (end of 19th century)
  • Robber Barons

    Multimillionaires J.P. Morgan: railroads, weapons
    John D. Rockefeller: oil (Standard Oil Company)
    Andrew Carnegie: steel (U.S. Steel Corporation) Some multimillionaires became philanthropists, f.e. Rockefeller (education)
  • Regions America

    Regions America
  • Thanksgiving

    Celebrated on 4th Thursday in November.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kt6pxrPInsU&feature=related The colonists survived with the help of the Wapanaog