Going to War In Vietnam

  • Ho Chi Minh declares independence

    Ho Chi Minh declares independence
    As Japan Surrendered to the Allies, they relinquished Vietnam as a territory. This caused Ho Chi Minh to declare independence on vietnam.
  • France Takes Over Vietnam

    France Takes Over Vietnam
    France didn want to lose its former colony, so they returned to Vietnam and forced Ho Chi Minh into hiding.
  • United States Agrees to aid France against Viatnamese Nationalists

    The Vietminh fought back against france and were slowly gaining power. France called to the U.S for help. Despite the U.S opposition to colonialism, The U.S joined as a result of the domino theory, saying that if one country falls to communism, so will its neighbors.
  • Defeat at Dien Bien Phu

    As the French still continued to struggle agaisnt Vietminh, despite U.S help, France lost the city of Dien Bien Phu to the Vietminh. This caused them to withdraw all troops from indochina
  • Ganeva Accords

    Ganeva Accords
    Negotiations to end this conflict were held, and provided a temporary division of Vietnam along the 17th parralel. Also called for elections to be help in 1956 to reunite the country
  • Ho Chi Minh organized a new army

    Ho Chi Minh organized a new army
    Ho Chi Minh using south vietnamese communists, made a new army called the Vietcong
  • Overthrow Of Diem

    Diem, South Vietnams unpopular leader, for reasons including the discrimination and murders of buddhists, was overthrown by the US government.
  • America Goes To War with Vietnam

    Despite Americas prevois help, thye were never considered to be at war with Vietnam. After reports of two torpedo missles shot at American ships by the Vietcong, Johnson declared war on Vietnam.
  • American troop count rises

    By 1965 180,000 troops were in vietnam, and 360,000 troops in 1966
  • New Weapons to combat Guerilla Warfare.

    Due to the Vietcongs creative but effective fighting style the U.S needed to create new weapons to combat against the Vietcong. They created napalm, a sticky flammable substance that stuck to anything, including people. They aslo created agent orange, which eliminated all sorrounding vegetation to make it harder for ambushes.
  • Ho Chi Minh trail

    The North Vietnamese were recieving weapons from other communist countries like North Korea and China from the Ho Chi Minh trail. Due to Johnsonś policies they could not fight to conquer land, but fight a war of attrition and kill all of the enemies. Bombings killed thousands of Vietnamese, but the American death toll was more. This caused speculation about the war back home.