Period: to
Goin' on a boat ride.
Goin on a boat ride.
Today my ship Serenity, will be leaving from Texel today, We're gonna be fughting some indonesians, admiral wants us browncoats on the front lines, seeing as how we're the most expendable. lucky for me I'm the just silly old Doctor Tam, and they cant risk me getting killed while their real fighters still have holes to be patched up. -
It's been an uneventful third day at sea, The first two were filled with sorting through medical supplies and fixing the riggers rope burns, but by now everything is organized and the crew have gotten back into the swing of boating, while I have to sit in my chambers and avoid disturbing them. -
Today we landed in Esbjerg, Denmark. It,s a rather boring fishing town, and we barely managed to get our ship inside, fortunately Washburne, our helmsman, Is possibly the best in the ocean and was able to navigate the rocky wqterways without a problem. We stocked up for our journey, and I collected some chemicals for my medicine bag. -
Took us long enough
I know boats are supposed to take foever, but I'm still rather dissapointed that its taken us this long to get to our next port. We haven't even arrived yet, and the Navigator is estimating another day's worth o travel before we land in the verdoemde (This word would have to be censored if it were translated, so I left it in the native language.) place, I fortunately see it in the distance, so I rest happily knowing I'll have me feet on solid ground soon. -
Finally, We landed in oslo, which I think is in norway. This is by far my favorite dock, seeing as we were let off long enough for me to visit the opera house and listen to a performance. -
Oceans again
At sea again, Captain got Sick while at port, so we set off as soon as I told him he was safe to captain. All is boring again. Almos wish some pore middie would break his arm so i can have something real to do. -
Took us another month to get to copenhagen. My wish was granted when one of the new middies slipped off his ropes trying to climb it. I patched him up as best I could, But we're leaving him here with professonal doctors. I hope we leave soon, something about this town feels fishy. -
Just sailed into Gdynia today, most of the sailors don't recognize the signifigance of this place. All they see is a couple brothels and a pub. I don't see much either, but there were mountains to visit while the crew were busy doing their daily duties. -
And after another week at sea we seem to be almost at our destination, fortunately for me stockholm is known for their history, something I take a great interest in. -
We're here.
I can see our landing off in the distance, not sure where it is, but the soldiers arre getting ready, I expect a bloody battle.