House-Select Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Committee of representatives investigation of alleged disloyalty, what is considered un-American propaganda. Communist influence in and outside the US gov. During 2nd red scare -
Smith Act
Act to make it illegal for advocating the overthrow of the US government. This requires all non- citizens to register with the government. During the 2nd red scare to promote patriotism. To be used against political organizations and alleged communists and facist -
GI Bill
The Servicemen's Readjustment Act Offered educational or vocational training for returning WWII veterans -- with one year of unemployment compensation. Loans for homes, businesses, and farms. -
Iron Curtain
During the Cold War to isolate Eastern Europe.Known as the rise of communism under USSR, the Soviet Union's policy. A term popularized by British Prime Minister Winston, reviewed the international response to Russian aggression. -
Period: to
Cold war (65)
Period: to
1950 (15)
Period: to
Civil Rights (59)
Beat Generation
Group of American writers after WWII that wrote about cultral phenomena. The " Beat" culture rejected mainstream American values, eastern form of spirituality, sexuality, experimentation, and drugs. -
North Korea Invades South Korea
North Korean People's Army passed the 38th parallel, boundary between the soviet-backed Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the North and the pro- Western Republic of Korea to the South.To counter the insurgents the south had to maintain a portion of its fighting troops far from the border. -
Duck & Cover
During the Cold War, schoolchildren taught to practice crawling under their desk and putting their hands over their heads to protect from a nuclear explosion. PSA made for children during the 1950's. -
Bill Haley and the Comets
Was one of the first American rock and roll musicians. He is credited by many with first popularizing this form of music in the early 1950s with his group Bill Haley & His Comets and their hit song "Rock Around the Clock". -
Polio Vaccine
John Salk invented the polio vaccine in 1953. Polio crippled and killed millions worldwide, and the successful vaccine virtually eliminated the scourge. -
Dr. Jonas Salk
Salk was an American biologist and physician best known for the research and development of a killed-virus polio vaccine. -
Rock 'N' Roll
A genre of popular music that originated and evolved in the United States during the late 1940's and early 1950's. Mix of Blues and R&B -
Brown v. Board of Education
Black children were denied admission to schools attended by white children under laws that permitted or required segregation by race. The children sued.
Earl Warren court combined several similar cases and considered them for a year; determined that "separate but equal" was inherently unjust .This case overruled the "seperate but equal" doctrine. Overturned Plessy vs. Ferguson. -
Emmett Till Tragedy
A 14 year old boy who was murdered in Mississippi by 2 white men for whistling at a white woman. Killed by her husband and his friends. His death became a catalyst for the civil rights movement. Mother held an open service to broadcast the death of her son. -
Rosa Parks
United States civil rights leader who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery (Alabama) and so triggered the national civil rights movement (born in 1913)
Resulted in: - 1 day boycott turned into a longer boycott.
- Black Americans walked to work.
- Some started carpooling.
- Bus companies lost money.
- Media covered the event, raising awareness of what Black Americans were going through. -
Elvis Presley
" The King of Rock 'N' Roll". Fused black rhythm and blues with white bluegrass and country styles; created rockabilly.
Memphis-born singer whose youth, voice, and sex appeal helped popularize rock 'n' roll in the mid-1950s. -
Little Richard
Visually flamboyant singer & pianist, frentic performance style, shouted vocals & used vocables and falsettos, wild side of rock, boogie woogie style, had internal conflicts, 1957 quit show business. -
Little Rock 9
A group of African American students that enrolled at a frontally all-white central high school in Little Rock, Arkansas. Their enrollment was followed by the Little Rock Crisis, in which the students were initially prevented from entering the racially segregated school by governor Faubus. Eisenhower sent in U.S. paratroopers to ensure the students could attend class.. -
First artificial satellite to orbit the Earth, launched by the Soviet Union. Caused competition with the United States by how far ahead the Soviet Union were in their space program. As a result, had Eisenhower began America's space program -
Period: to
1960s (16)
Sit- ins (Greensboro, North Carolina)
Four black students attempted to force the desegregation of a lunch counter in Woolworth's store
They staged a sit in which lasted several days
By the 4th day, 300 students had joined the sit-in
By the end of the week the store had closed rather than desegregated.
Woolworth's store desegregated by the beginning of 1962, 70,000 people, black and white, had taken part in some kind of protest against segregation -
Counter Culture
Groups of people that stray from the norms of society,rejects the values, norms, and practices of the larger society and replaces them with a new set of cultural patterns -
White middle-class youths, called hippies. New Left, against Vietnam War, turned back on America becasue they believed in a society based on peace and love. Believed in anti-materalism, free use of drugs, they had a casual attitude toward sex and anti-conformity -
Liberal and Radical feminism rises; the 2nd wave. Notion for liberal feminism was that women and men were pretty much alike and should have equal rights.Wanted to change the entire system that was based on male dominance -
Chicano Mural Movement
The Mexican-American movement that sought political and social justice. The Chicano Movement addressed negative stereotyping of Mexicans. Artists began using the walls of city buildings, housing projects, schools, and churches to depict Mexican-American culture. -
Nixon vs Kennedy
Presidential campaign of 1960 broadcast on TV. Demonstrated the importance of image in a television age.The power of image; Kennedy had a reputation TV viewers thought JFK won; radio listeners gave the edge to Nixon -
Albert Sabin
Developed an even better, oral vaccine for polio and used it to allow for the eradication of polio. -
Peace Corps
Kennedy's new frontier
a program in which the assistance of U.S. volunteers is offered to the developing nations of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. providing technical assistance; helping people outside the United States to understand US culture. -
Bay of Pigs
Castro became dictator of Cuba which removed the pro-USA Fulgencio Batista,in response; Eisenhower had set up to invade Cuba, approved by Kennedy. CIA landed 1200 disgruntled Cuban exiles in the Bay of Pigs --- fails and brings embarrassment to Kennedy. Forces Cuba into the arms of the USSR. -
Ho Chi Minh Trail
A jungle network path that provided the Vietminh a safe way to transfer supplies and arms to the Vietvong without crossing the border directly. The US could not attack the trail since it was mainly in Laos and Cambodia. -
popularized in the 1960s by individuals such as psychologist Timothy Leary, who encouraged American students to “turn on, tune in, and drop out.” This created an entire counterculture of drug abuse. Used by hippies -
Malcolm X
Renamed himself X to signify the loss of his African heritage; converted to Nation of Islam in jail in the 50s, became Black Muslims' most dynamic street orator and recruiter. Black Power and equality.Leader of the black panthers, a black activist group. -
“I Have a Dream Speech”
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
On the steps of the Washington D.C., Lincoln Memorial during the march on Washington to deliver a speech to remind America of the struggles of the Negro in America and to demand equality. -
Fallout Shelters
Small concrete structure usually underground, equipped with water and food and supplies, places to go for safety in case of a nuclear attack. Popular during 1950's and 60's for the 2nd red scare. -
Assassination of JFK
President John F. Kennedy arrived in Dallas, Texas with Jackie Kennedy as a campaign to travel in a procession of cars through the business district of Dallas.At about 12.30 p.m. the presidential limousine entered Elm Street. Soon afterwards shots rang out. Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald -
Daisy Girl ad
The Johnson campaign's ad attempts to associate Goldwater with nuclear war.This is considered the most controversial political ad in history. Featured a little girl plucking the petals off a daisy as an ominous voice is heard in a launch countdown. The final image is of a mushroom cloud rising after a nuclear explosion. -
Great Society
President Johnson called his version of the Democratic reform program the Great Society. Congress passed many Great Society measures, including Medicare, civil rights legislation, and federal aid to education. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
End formal and informal barriers to African American suffrage.invalidated the use of any test or device to deny the vote and authorized federal examiners to register voters in states that had disenfranchised blacks; as more blacks became politically active . -
Anti-War movement
Student protest that started as the Free Speech movement in California and spread around the world. All members of the Anti-War Movement shared an opposition to war in Vietnam and condemned U.S. presence there. -
Ear Warren Supreme Court
United States jurist who served as chief justice of the United States Supreme Court. He led the Supreme Court with an activist direction (Brown case) which pushed further the boundaries of civil rights in the U.S.A. Ratification,appeal,Impeachment,treaty,judicial activism. -
Stonewall Riot
New York city at a bar called Stonewall Inn - Triggered activist protests among gays and lesbians - police raided gay bar and began arresting patrons for attending the place- people fought back - became symbol of oppression of gays, began the gay pride movement -
Period: to
1970 (31)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The EPA is one of the largest federal agencies and was created by an executive order in 1972 to control pollution in the areas of air, water, solid waste, pesticides, radiation, and toxic substances.The interpretation of environmental law -
Five men arrested for breaking into the Democratic National Committee's executive quarters in the Watergate Hotel. Two White House aides were indicted; they quit, Senate hearing began in May, 1973, Nixon admitted to complicity in the burglary. In July, 1974, Nixon's impeachment began, so he resign with a disbarment. -
Roe v. Wade
Jane Roe; A 25-year-old single woman (aka Norma McCorvey) who challenged the criminal abortion laws in Texas that forbade abortion as unconstitutional except in cases where the mother's life was in danger. Henry Wade; The Texas attorney general who defended the anti-abortion law.
Achieved: Legal abortion; Court justices ruled that governments lacked the power to ban abortions, due to the decision protected by the 14th Amendment, with a ruling of 7-2 -
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
International cartel that inflates price of oil by limiting supply; Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and UAE are prominent members, An international oil cartel originally formed in 1960. Represents the majority of all oil produced in the world. Attempts to limit production to raise prices. It's long name is the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. -
War Powers Resolution
While America was fighting in Vietnam and Cambodia the president must report to Congress within 2 days of putting troops in danger in a foreign country, forces after 60 days unless Congress declares war and grants extension. -
Endangered Species Act
to preserve ecosystems upon which endangered and threatened species depend. to conserve and reverse listed species. 'Can't take' prohibitions for all endangered and threatened species
All federal agencies required to use authority to conserve listed species and to consult on any 'mayeffect' situation or actions -
Nixon Tapes
Recordings of conversations in the Oval office
was used as blackmailing tool. Tapes which proved Nixon was involved in the Watergate scandal. Although he withheld them at first, the Supreme Court made Nixon turn over these recordings of the plans for the cover-up of the scandal. -
Federal Election Commission (FEC)
United States federal law which increased disclosure of contributions for federal campaigns. It was amended in 1974 to place legal limits on the campaign contributions. The amendment also created the Federal Election Commission. Create a political action committee (PAC) and register it with the Federal Election Commission, which will meticulously monitor the PAC's expenditures. -
Beginnings of the Personal Computer
A small digital computer based on a microprocessor and designed to be used by one person at a time -
Rise of the N.R.A. to national politics
a powerful lobby that advocates the right to own and bear arms and rejects any gun regulation by the government.
changed from an organization focused on promoting sportsmanship and conservation to an organization focused on political issues, forming conservative coalitions, and lobbying. -
Three-Mile Island
A mechanical failure and a human error at this power plant in Pennsylvania combined to permit an escape of radiation over a 16 mile radius. -
Discount Retailing
-Start of discount retailing (Began in 1960s) such as K-Mart, Home Depot, Best Buy.
-Sam Walton (Wal Mart)created a chain of stores offering large variety of products at low prices.
-Just-in-time inventory:
products arrive at the precise time in they are needed . -
Video Head System (VHS)
Video home system video tape recorder that player utilizing 1/2 inch tape not compatible with beta format -
Period: to
1980 (21)
Space Shuttle Program
predicated on two main options: humanity belongs in space & a permanent space station was the next logical step to putting the species out there on a long-term basis.
1986: The space shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds into flight, killing all aboard. The explosion was caused by a faulty seal in the fuel tank. The shuttle program was halted while investigators and officials drew up new safety regulations, but was resumed in 1988 with the flight of the Discovery. -
Music Television (MTV)
Changed the way the music industry operated.preferred method for launching a new act or promoting the latest release of a superstar, Music Television being able to watch the video that went with a song. Televised interviews and performances, videos being played on MTV.
First as alternative rock videos, then breached into modern pop. -
A.I.D.S. Crisis
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) occurs after the HIV virus has destroyed the body's immune system.Diagnosed in US in 1981; didn't receive much attention as perceived as a gay mans disease; Falwell said men getting what they deserve; over 32,000 died in a 7 year period. The Reagan administration was slow to respond to the "AIDS Epidemic," because effects of the virus were not fully understood. -
Home video game systems
When home video games became popular and could be played on an interchangeable-cartridge platform and featured home video game computer systems with 8-bit processors that could process better movement, graphics, and sound. -
Reduced restrictions on free marked economy and left more money in the hands of investors and higher income Americans. Domestic budget cutting to reduce the size of the federal government and stimulate economic growth. -
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) “Star Wars”
Popularly known as "Star Wars," President Reagan's SDI proposed the construction of an elaborate computer-controlled, anti-missile defense system capable of destroying enemy missiles in outer spaced.Plan for defense against the soviet union unveiled by Reagan in 1983. Critics claimed that SDI could never be perfected. -
Iran Contra Affair
Reagan administration sold weapons to Iran in hopes of freeing American hostages in Lebanon; money from the arms sales was used to aid the Contras (anti-Communist insurgents) in Nicaragua, even though Congress had prohibited this assistance. Talk of Reagan's impeachment ended when presidential aides took the blame for the illegal activity. -
Rap Music
Technology of the time allowed for rappers to trade out turntables for sampler machines, which became increasingly efficient and affordable.New School rap diverged from the old school in the middle of the decade, with artists like LL Cool J and Run DMC leading the way. The golden age of rap also defined itself in the late 80s. It featured more innovation and complexity and expounded upon new themes, like Afrocentricity. -
Period: to
1990s (30)
Affordable cell phones
Cell phones start replacing landlines .Smart phones allowed people (late 2000s) to be on the internet w/o a computer -
Oprah Winfrey
Creates well-known talk show about issues and trends of the day.One of the richest women in the world Supports Obama in 2008 -
Black Entertainment Television (BET)
Started by Robert Johnson who was the first black billionaire.
Features music & stories from the African-American community -
Rodney King Incident
Rodney King (African-American) chased 78 miles in his car by L.A. police with the chase ending with him being beaten caught on tape.
Riots take place for 4 days
Asian shops looted by black & Latino residents
angry for Asians not hiring people of color -
Climate Change findings come out
Scientists have and continue to warn great changes will occur without reductions in the burning of fossil fuels.
Temperatures have risen 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit since 1800,polar Ice caps are melting,beaches are eroding,water starting to encroach coastal cities. Shifting weather patterns could create a migration crisis -
World Trade Center Attack - 1993
Terrorists explode massive car bombs in the basement parking garage of the World Trade Center, hoped to collapse the building.
Left only six story hold in the ground.The incident was quickly forgotten -
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Policy
The policy affecting homosexuals in the military. It emerged as a compromise between the standing prohibition against homosexuals in the armed forces and President Clinton's push to allow all citizens to serve regardless of sexual orientation. Military authorities were forbidden to ask about a service member's orientation and gay service personnel could be discharged if they publicly revealed their homosexuality. -
Exchange data. 80s supercomputers allow communication on college campuses
In tens of millions of homes by the late 1990s
America Online (AOL)
1994 – 6 million uses
2001 – 130 million -
Lewinsky Affair
Monica Lewinsky had affair with Clinton who denied it under oath, but there was physical evidence; he was impeached for perjury and his resulting political battles kept him from being productive in his final term paving way for the seemingly moral Bush in 2000 -
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
The Defense of Marriage Act (also known as DOMA) was signed into law President Clinton.Federal law that defines marriage between a man and a woman.States don’t have to except gay marriages of other states.The law also prohibits same-sex couples who are legally married or are recognized as a couple as a result of a civil union from collecting any federal benefits that married couples get. -
originally named 'KATO VONGSAPHAY' then changed to 'TESLA VONGSAPHAY'.
Born at Columbia Spring Branch Medical Center. -
Period: to
Contemporary (25)
Al Gore
Al Gore was Clinton's vice-president and a candidate for the 2000 presidential election. His running caused on of the closest elections in history and a fiasco with the voting system. -
9/11 Attacks
19 al-Qaeda hijackers boarded 4 planes,4 planes turn course.2 hit the World Trade Center buildings and 1 hit the Pentagon.
couldn’t find the White House
4th plane passengers learn of the attacks
subdue the terrorists
terrorists nosedived the plane
2,973 will die in the attacks -
War on Terror
Authorized use of force against any nation that harbored terrorists
Prevent further attacks on the U.S. (The War on Terror)
Bush claimed Saddam had links to terror
Supposedly colluded with al-Qaeda
Americans thought Saddam was directly linked with 9/11 -
Expands government’s law enforcement power;Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism.Security concerns lead to new federal legislation.Law enforcement and intelligence agencies allowed to conduct wide-sweeping searches and surveillance, detained immigrants,monitored bank accounts, wiretapped suspected callers without warrant -
No Child Left Behind Education Act
Reports of declining schools across the country so Bush sends bill through Congress.
Revamps standards and linking federal funding to student performance on standardized tests. -
Hurricane Katrina Disaster
Hurricane Katrina was the costliest natural disaster and one of the five deadliest hurricanes in the history of the United States. The storm is currently ranked as the third most intense United States land falling tropical cyclone. Along the Florida panhandle -
Barack Obama
Barack Obama (Democrat) (47).First term senator from Illinois
against the war in Iraq, beats out Hillary Clinton,nasty campaign.
First African- American president
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
intended to create jobs and promote investment and consumer spending during the recession that followed the financial collapse in 2008.$787 Million spent to revive the economy in the U.S. create jobs, promote investment and consumer spending. -
First Hispanic SCOTUS judge - Sonya Sotomayor
She was the first Hispanic-American and the third woman in Supreme Court.Appointed by President Obama in 2009,democratic. -
Affordable Care Act (ACA) “Obamacare”
A law consisting of two pieces of legislation that are collectively referred to as "Healthcare Reform" or "Obamacare".To expand health insurance coverage to an estimated 32 million uninsured Americans and strengthen existing coverage.increase benefits and lower costs for consumers, provide new funding for public health and prevention.