Jan 1, 1000
Domestication was 10,000 to 11,000 years ago in Western Asia
10,000 to 11,000 years ago -
Jan 2, 1000
There only ancestors are other goats -
Jan 3, 1000
They have a four-chambered stomach that makes mutiple advantages. Its retagular pupils give it more peripheral vision. They made their mating season so that they give birth in the spring . -
Jan 4, 1000
We use them for milk, fiber, meat, and hid. Also used for driving and packing purposes. And keeping race horses company while travelling -
Jan 5, 1000
Interesting facts
Male gots have a beard and female goats do not. They are very smart even tho they look like they do not know where they are. Goats dicovered coffee. -
Goats came to America