
  • Period: to

    Save Up Money for College Expenses

    I will have a part time job and request a loan. I will also put all my extra money in the bank. My family is also willing to help me until I achieve my dreams! I won't have much money to spend on my wants but I'd rather get rich later.
  • Period: to

    Find a Vet Internship

    This will help my chances of finding a good job in the veterinary field, but will decrease my time for earning money and focusing on school.
  • Start Cape Fear Community College

    I'll take my basic courses and graduate with enough credits to transfer.
  • Transfer to NC State

    I want to attend their vet program even though I would have to move on campus.
  • Find Love of My Life

    Not sure how this will go but I need a solid supporter as well as a future family. They might distract me but I need a personal life.
  • Graduate from NC State

    Earn my Doctorate Degree then attempt to pay off all my expenses.
  • Test the boards and land the job!

    I wil have to pass through the boards to get to my final goal: Become a veterinarian.
  • Dream Job, House, Family

    I will become a veterinarian and own a really nice house with my very own family.