Goal Timeline

  • one step closer

    At this time in one year, I will be nearly done with my bachelor's degree and one step closer to being in my own classroom. My goal is to do the absolute best I can in my classes and internship.
  • on my own

    Two years from now, I will be beginning my first year as a teacher. This is a big first step, my only goal is to feel prepared. I want to feel ready to stand in front of the class and teach the next generation
  • third time's a charm

    In 2026 I will be in my third year of teaching. And by this year, my goal is to have found my "forever" school. I want to find a school that I feel and work my best at.
  • from little to big

    By the time I am 10 years from today I want to be teaching high school. Elementary school doesn't seem like a place I want to teach at forever. So in ten years' time, I hope I am teaching high school. Preferably social studies
  • end of the line

    In 60 years' time, I want to retire. It seems a tad early for full retirement, so ideally I would still be able to work in the schools. Just not as a full teacher.