Short Term Goal: Saving Money For Shopping
S: I plan to save money to go shopping.
M:I am going to plan to save 300$ for the shopping trip.
A: To save up money, for every paycheck I get from my work, I will take out 100$ and put into a seperate bank account just for shopping.
R: The opportunity cost is still shopping but shopping at thrift stores or cheap clothing options.
T: I will accomplish the goal in 6 weeks since I get paid biweekly. -
Step One
Research on how to successfully save money and not spend it before you need it. -
Step Two
When you decide to start the goal, work more hours so you are able to put away 100$ into your savings and still have money left for food, gas, etc. -
Step Three
Figure out what you want to spend on and where when you go on a shopping trip to find out what your expenses will be like, and base your saving amount on that. -
Step Four
Find coupons or discounts you can use to save money when you go shopping and to get more stuff. -
Step 5
Go shopping and successfully have enough to buy everything you want when you go shopping without having to worry about expenses. -
Long Term Goal: Save Money For College
S: I plan to save money for college and college tuition.
M: I will spend no more than 100 dollars a month to save up money for college.
A: I will save up money for college by making my own coffee and energy drinks so I do not spend money on Starbucks or Atomic as often which will save at least 50 dollars per month.
R: The opportunity cost of saving money is that I wont be able to have more fun by getting food with friends (missing out on experiences)
T: Will save money for the next two years. -
Step One
Research a cheaper more accessible college that has what you are looking for. -
Step Two
Make a new account through your bank to put the money you want to save for college in. -
Step Three
Work more hours and compete for a pay raise to easily save up money for college. -
Step Four
Ask for money to add to your college fund for birthdays or holidays instead of presents so you can easily save up more. -
Step Five
Apply for scholarships and ways to save money and think more frugal as you work your way up to college.