Goal Setting

  • Step 1

    Step 1
    Work hard to get a promotion at work
  • Step 2

    Save $150 a month by going out every other Friday.
  • Step 3

    Step 3
    Every month I will only go out a few times to save money and spend less on entertainment
  • Short Term

    Short Term
    S- I will get A and B for my senior year
    M-I will do my homework on time and study more
    A-I will study more by taking time out of my entertainment to go over notes
    R- I will reward myself when I receive a good grade on a test
    T- 9 months
  • Step 4

    Step 4
    By having great grades I will be able to apply for a scholarship.
  • Step 1- short term

    Step 1- short term
    I will save time to study for tests instead of going out with friends every weekend.
  • Step 2- Short term

    By actually doing my homework and turning it in on time my grades will already improve.
  • Step 5

    Step 5
    Try to drive around less and walk or ride a bike more to my destinations to save money so I don't spend money on gas.
  • Step 3- short term

    Step 3- short term
    I will ask my teacher for help when I don't understand something.
  • Step 4- Short term

    I will make a plan to still be able to have fun with friends and still find time to finish homework and study.
  • Step 5- Short term

    As its getting close to the end of the school year I would be able to get a job and still manage my homework with hanging out with friends less.
  • Smart Goal Long Term

    Smart Goal Long Term
    S-Save money for college
    M-I will save $5,000
    A-I will save $150.00 per month by not spending as much on entertainment and wants
    R-I would go out every other Friday instead of every Friday
    T-1.5 years