Glotal Citizen Project


    All the men have other unusual infections as well, indicating that their immune systems are not working; two have already died by the time the report is published. This edition of the MMWR marks the first official reporting of what will become known as the AIDS epidemic.
  • First AID/HIV clinic

    Thie was establishe in San Francisco.
  • HIV/AiDS

    CDC hosts a national conference to determine blood bank policy blood for testing blood for HIV, but participants fail to reach consensus on appropriate action.

    Community-based AIDS service organizations join together to form AIDS Action, a national organization in Washington, DC, to advocate on behalf of people and communities affected by the epidemic, to educate the Federal government, and to help shape AIDS-related policy and legislation
  • THE US pays for reacher for ADIS/HIV

    The U.S. Congress allocates $70 million for AIDS research.

    AIDS activist Cleve Jones creates the first panel of the AIDS Memorial Quilt

    President Reagan makes his first public speech about AIDS and establishes a Presidential Commission on HIV.

    The World Health Organization Exit Disclaimer who declares December 1 to be the first World AIDS Day Exit Disclaimer

    the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issue the first guidelines for preventing Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia PCP, an AIDS-related opportunistic infection, and a major cause of illness and death for people living with AIDS.

    The U.S. Public Health Service issues a statement on managing occupational exposure to HIV, including considerations regarding post-exposure use of the antiretroviral drug,

    The Visual AIDS Artists Caucus Exit Disclaimer launches the Red Ribbon Project to create a visual symbol to demonstrate compassion for people living with AIDS and their caregivers. The red ribbon becomes the international symbol of AIDS awareness.

    AIDS becomes the number one cause of death for U.S. men ages 25 to 44.

    World-renowned ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev dies of AIDS-related illness on January 6, and tennis star Arthur Ashe dies on February 3.

    Pedro Zamora, a young gay man living with HIV, appears on the cast of MTV’s popular show, “The Real World.” He dies on November 11 at age 22.

    In June, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves the first protease inhibitor. This ushers in a new era of highly active antiretroviral therapy

    The number of new AIDS cases diagnosed in the U.S. declines for the first time since the beginning of the epidemic.

    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report the first substantial decline in AIDS deaths in the United States. Due largely to the use of HAART, AIDS-related deaths in the U.S. decline by 47% compared with the previous year.

    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that African Americans account for 49% of U.S. AIDS-related deaths. AIDS-related mortality for African Americans is almost 10 times that of Whites and three times that of Hispanics

    In March, VaxGen, a San Francisco-based biotechnology company, begins conducting the first human vaccine trials in a developing country—Thailand.
  • HIV/AIDS threat to US national security

    President Clinton declares that HIV/AIDS is a threat to U.S. national security.

    February 7 marks the first annual National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Exit Disclaimer in the U.S.

    the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Exit Disclaimer, a partnership between governments, civil society organizations, the private sector, and affected communities, is established.

    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) calculate that 27,000 of the estimated 40,000 new infections that occur each year in the U.S. result from transmission by individuals who do not know they are infected

    In January, the U.S. Congress authorizes the first $350 million for the United States President’s Emergency Program for AIDS Relief
  • The first awerness day for Usa

    this was the first annual National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Exit Disclaimer in the U.S.

    June 5 marks 25 years since the first AIDS cases were reported.

    In an attempt to increase the number of people taking HIV tests, on May 30, the World Health Organization Exit Disclaimer (WHO) and UNAIDS (the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS) Exit Disclaimer issue new guidance recommending “provider-initiated” HIV testing Exit Disclaimer in healthcare settings.

    National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is first recognized

    Newly elected President Barack Obama calls for the development of the first National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States.
  • HIV/ADIS ban lifts

    The U.S. Government officially lifts the HIV/ADIS travel and immigration ban.

    Lead Federal agencies release implementation plans in support of the U.S. National HIV/AIDS Strategy.

    OUTBREAK in Scotburg IN the frist cases

    Scot county Had 30 case in 2012

    Scot County had 50 cases of HIV/ADIS

    Scot County had the CDC there with 156 cases
  • How many people in american have had Ebola

    Up to 100 people may have had direct or indirect cantact in the USA and many have died.

    THis is still going on today