Glorious Revolution

  • James I

    Believed in the Divine Right of Kings.
    Wanted to control British Parliament.
    Struggle began between Parliament power vs. power of the king = Glorious Revolution
  • British Economy

    mercantilism: value gold and silver, export more than import.
    People were not so negative about paying taxes.
  • Power of the House of Commons

    The House of Commons were in charge of the state treasury. They used their financial strength to maintain and increase their power in government. They were better educated.
  • Enclosure Movement

    Parliament allowed for farmers to make fences and their fenced land had to be the same size as their property (land they had before). Peasants didn't have any where to go because they didn't have enough $ to pay their dues, so they sold their property. Developed
    1. rise of market-oriented estate agriculture
    2. whats new? rural working class without land
  • Charles I

    Son/Successor of James I Dissolved Parliament and didn't use them.
    Only met with Parliament to finance an army against Scotland
    financed gov't by requiring taxes, which ppl would consider illegal
  • English Civil War (Revolution)

    England vs. Scotland vs. Ireland England-Parliament didn't give Charles I an army to fight against Scotland
    Scots- William Laud enforced a new prayer book and bishoprics, which the Scots revolted against.
    Ireland-english governors ruled their land and exploited them. religious differences (irish, catholic)
  • Long Parliament

    used lawmaking that limited the king's power and inconsistent gov't impossible passed Triennial Act - king has to meet with parliament every 3 yrs
  • Execution of Charles

    marked the republican government (commonwealth) of England.
    Supposed to be: legislative power =Parliament, executive power=council of state BUT WHAT REALLY HAPPENED? ARMY CONTROL GOV'T
  • Oliver Cromwell and the Protectorate

    Oliver Cromwell controlled the army & the army control the gov't. Army made constitution called Instrument of Government: executive power=lord protector & council of state. Required Triennial Parliaments. Parliament has power to raise taxes. England divided into 12 military districts ruled by a Major General Religion: believed in toleration, BUT roman catholics do not have religious freedom
  • English Restoration

    re-established the English Monarchy, with Charles II.
    What was brought back?
    -both houses of Parliament
    -Anglican church
    -courts of law
    -local gov't system What did it not solve?
    -attitude of the state toward non-anglicans (Puritans, Catholic)
    -relationsihp between king & Parliament
  • Charles II

    Wanted to get along with Parliament -> charles meet with them often & Parliament give him good $$ Had a council of 5 men for advising ("Cabal")
  • Pact with Louis XIV

    Charles II made a secret agreement with Louis XIV because Parliament didn't give him enough $$$. Louis would give him 200,000 Pounds yearly
    Charles would gradually re-Catholicize England, support French policy against dutch, & convert to catholicism himself
  • James II

    succeded brother appointed Roman Catholics to positions in the army
    declaration that gave Religious Freedom to ALL
  • William and Mary

    Mary = daughter of James II
    & her husband crowned King King & Queen of England Signed English Bill of Rights -> Parliament Won