Plessy Vs. Ferguson
Plessy V. Ferguson was a trial in supreme court that made it legal to segregate, as long as both races have equal oppurtunities and facilities. This trial emphasized how people were separate but equal. This played a huge role during the 50s because it came up again in the Brown v. The Board of Education which eventually over turned please v ferguson trial. -
Brown Vs. Board of Education
The Supreme Court ruled that segregation in public school is illegal.
Thurgood marshall was african american lawyer and he played a great role in this trial. This trial played a big role because it stopped public school from being segregated and allow for many colored kids to have an education. -
The Murder of Emmett Till
Emmett Till was lynched at the young age of 14. The reason for this being was because Emmett was accused of flirting with a white woman. This was taken out of proportion and this is important to this day because it shows how disrespectful and ugly this time period was. -
Rosa Parks & the Montgomery Bus Boycott
Buses were segregated during this time period and black people were expected to give up their seats for the white people. But Rosa didn't do that. She sat in her seat and was then taken to jail because she wasn't complying with the law. This is important because it shows how courageous she was in this time of calamity. -
SCLC & Martin Luther King
The SCLC was an organization to provide black people with civil rights. Martin Luther King Jr wanted segregation to be eliminated. This is important today because King brought integration sooner than it would have come and it shows that there were actually decent people in the world that was not racist. -
Little Rock Nine & Central High School
Little Rock Nine was a group of black students who wanted to attend a white school. Central High School was a school that prevented all other than white kids, to go to that school. This eventually changed and schools became integrated -
Greensboro Sit-In
A group of mute-racial young people sat on the white side of the diner. These young people were tormented with hateful comments and derogatory actions. This is important because it later contributed to the approval of the civil rights act. -
SNCC & Freedom Summer
SNCC was founded by a group of young people that protested peacefully for justice. Freedom Summer was a voting project that took place in Mississippi. This greatly influenced the civil rights group. -
Freedom Riders
The freedom riders were a group of racially diverse people who all got in a bus together. They showed how a racially mixed bus was just fine and that there was nothing wrong with it. This is very important because it gives an example of peaceful protest. -
Civil Rights Act
This act outlawed all different types of discrimination in the United states. When this act was approved, they were effective immediately. This made a landmark for civil rights across america. -
Assassination of Malcolm X
Malcolm X was a muslim minister. He was also a civil rights activist and for that he was unfortunately killed. This is important to civil rights history and we should keep him in memory for all he did. -
Voting Rights Act
the voting act was signed by Lyndon Johnson. This act outlawed discrimination over who could vote. This is important because without this act, people who did not fit in the "specific" genre would not be able to vote. -
Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr
MLK was a civil rights activist and for the he was unfortunately murdered. He was shot in a hotel in Memphis, Tennessee. This is important to todays history because it shows how MLK was firm in what he believed was right and for that we honor him. -
March on Washington
This march was made to gain freedom over jobs and freedom. Martin Luther was gathered around 300,000 americans to talk about the social matter. This is important it was made to inform the rights for african americans. -