Gloria Steinem

  • A Bunny's Tale

    Steinem went undercover as a playboy bunny to see how they were treated. She found that the bunnies were paid less than they were promised, reprimanded for refusing dates with men, had to wear clothing and heels that were tight enough to affect movement, and top it off they were also targets of harassment by the men around them. This Influenced her contributions to gender equality because it was one of the first feminist articles to criticize Playboy, and it got the company to make small changes
  • Redstockings Speakout

    Feminists at this time were angry that at abortion hearings only men were given the time to speak. So women held their own hearing and amount the women speaking Steinem was one of them. She spoke about the abortion she had at 22. This influenced her because she was directly a part of the movement to legalize abortion before roe v wade.
  • More Women Politics

    Steinem was one of the many founders of the National Women's Political Caucus. This is the only organization that is dedicated only to increasing the number of women as elected officials, judges, and more. Since the start of this organization, the number of state legislators when from 363 to 1,738, and from 15 women in congress to now 89.
  • Ms. Magazine

    Gloria Steinem co-founded Ms. Magazine with Dorthy Pittman Hughes. The purpose of the magazine was to be able to share information and news about feminism. This was the first magazine geared toward women that wasn't about keeping their men happy or what products to buy. Instead, it showcased information about domestic violence, sexual assault, and abortion, and even showed how presidential candidates felt about women's issues.