Dec 24, 1492
Globalization First comes to America
In 1492 when people first came to America, they brought with them some traits that they used back in their homeland. Throughout years of hard work and labor, the world is now a big trading economy. -
Bank of England
First Bank of England founded equals stable government bond market (Labor Economics). -
The Steam Engine and Water Spur
With the Steam Engine now created and the water frame spur, it created the UK's Industrial Revolution (Labor Economics). -
The First Steam Engine
The first steam engine made its transatlantic cruise. They named it the SS Savannah (Labor Economics). -
The Oil Industry
Edwin Drake creates a commercial oil industry in Titusville, USA -
The New and Improved Oil Company
John D. Rockefeller develops monopoly when he created the Standard Oil Company (Labor Economics). -
1950's Technology Expansion
In the 1950's people came up with pesticides, fertilizers, and bigger machinery all of which is a part of Globalization, this was known as the Green Evolution (Oliver).