
Globalization Timeline

  • 200 BCE

    Silk Road

    Silk Road
    The Silk Road was a trade route that connected China with the West, making it easy for ideas, goods, religion, and more to travel between places like India, Rome, and China. At times there were some scuffles between groups, but political groups actually worked together to protect this route that benefited them all.
  • Jan 1, 600

    Islamic Golden Age

    Islamic Golden Age
    This religion transcends man-made borders and reaches most places of the world. This time period typically dates through the 13th century. The Islamic world "contributed to agriculture, the arts, economics, industry, law, literature,navigation, philosophy, sciences, sociology, and technology". It was described as the first "truly universal civilization" as many different nations and peoples subscribed to the culture.
  • Jan 1, 1440

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    With the creation of the Gutenberg printing press, the world was suddenly able to mass produce documents, books, pamphlets, and more.
    This also had a political effect due to governments having the ability to produce propaganda and spread what they wanted their subjects to believe more easily.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Atlantic Slave Trade Begins

    Atlantic Slave Trade Begins
    The slave trade carried ideas and people to places they never would have gone otherwise. Historically, it brought countless people from Africa involuntarily to other places throughout the world, mixing cultures and ethnic lines. The slave trade brought economic wealth to those who were trading the slaves. This more modern slavery was controlled and perpetrated mostly by European states, cementing their role in slavery.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    "Columbus sailed the ocean blue..."

    "Columbus sailed the ocean blue..."
    The beginning of colonialism. This was one of many times that people from different countries and cultures began to explore and "find places for the first time" and claim these lands for themselves, destroying aboriginals' culture and livelihoods.
  • 1st Telegraph Message Sent

    1st Telegraph Message Sent
    The telegraph enable long distance communication that was faster than the postal system. This had an impact on both international relations and politics due to making the world smaller, and therefore, in theory, easier to navigate and collaborate.
  • 1st Flight

    1st Flight
    The Wright brothers inspire the whole world to fly. Planes are used for recreational use, war, and so much more.
  • Opening of Panama Canal

    Opening of Panama Canal
    The Panama Canal connects Atlantic and Pacific shipping, making the waterways of now like the Silk Road of yesteryear. This link between the two has made both sides prosper economically. However, there has certainly been political tension over the Canal, especially in the years following the building of the Canal due to American vs Panama clashes.
  • Official Creation of United Nations

    Official Creation of United Nations
    The various bodies of the United Nations (UN) have made up an organization that brings unity in ways some have not expected. Numerous countries are a part of the UN, and by being in this, are able to sort out political and other matters in a more civilized way than what may have otherwise happened.
  • World Wide Web goes Global

    World Wide Web goes Global
    This technological innovation that also brought about the internet's takeover plays a huge role in globalization. It facilitates cheaper, faster and easier ways of communication and provides immense amounts of information. Having this much information in one place has never happened before. As far as politics go, some countries have internet restrictions in order to control their residents info intake.
  • World Trade Organization Established

    World Trade Organization Established
    This international body has huge control over the area of economic globalization today. Its commercial interests often are at odds with social and political issues and policies.