Throughout history, trade has allowed companies to expand the range to ship products, due to the cause of this, many people are producing goods and shipping them to other countries, while obtaining goods that can't be produced there.
By mgeorgi
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the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. (Dictionary.com) -
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One international example of globalization is the increase of imports and exports.The author explains, "From 1988 through 1997, U.S. exports of goods and services increased from $430.2 billion to $932.3 billion, an increase of 117 percent. In 1997, the Office of Economic Affairs, Executive Office of the President, reported that U.S. exports of goods and services supported 12 million American jobs" (Manzella).Other countries are buying our goods increasing our jobs, this is due to globalization. -
Coca cola domestic example
Companies expanding have brought the lower income family wages up. The text reads, "many Africans remain devastatingly poor, but there has been much improvement in the African economy, and a middle class in Africa is emerging. In 2000, 59 million African households earned at least 5,000 US dollars a year, compared to 80 million households in 2010[10]" (wordpress.com). Coca cola employed under class citizens and made their living conditions easier by paying them more then other companies.