
  • 1440

    The printing press

    The invention of the printing press led to more people reading, and learning about science, religion, politics and philosophy.
  • 1492

    European expansion and discovery of America

    European expansion and discovery of America
    The European conquest of America enabled an economic interconnection between continents in which globalization has its roots
  • Rise of the middle class

    As towns and cities grew, Europoan cultures needed to adapt, thus creating the middle class. This attracted traders, entrepreneurs, crafts people, bankers and scholars. These people made money by practicing a trade, which made the middle class and helped the economy grow.
  • New technologies

    New technologies
    With more people reading and learning, this led to new inventions and technologies, such as large square sails and the lateen. This enabled ships to sail farther and faster. Navigational tools; maps, compasses and the sextant also became popular and let sailors travel without losing their way
  • Mercantilsm

    It was a policy followed by European imperial powers from the 16th - 19th century. In colonies, trade was strictly controlled by imperial powers to benifit themselves.
  • Imperialism as a new concept

    Imperialism is when a country takes control of another country and the people in it, and taking it by force. An example of this would be England taking over India and their cultures. When India tryed to retaliate, the British attacked them with their military forces.
  • Global wars and society

    Global wars promote nationalism and the strengthening of borders
  • The UN

    The UN
    Creation of the UN and declaration of human rights
  • The Internet

    The Internet
    The creation of the internet generated a giant communication network for the entire world
  • Free trade Area

    When this area is established, a worldwide market network is generated that allows the global exchange of products