Globalization is a negative force that leads to child labor, unsafe wor king conditions and sweat shops in exchange for cheap consumer goods.

  • under age workers in cambodia

    under age workers in cambodia
    Workers from bbc visted the fac tory and conducted interviews. There were two girls one was twelve and the other was 14. They both lied about their age to get the job. The moniters never questioned them about their age. In response they revoked the factory and enhanched their age verification requirements. This did not stop any of the abuse of laws by corporations. (oliver)
  • children workers found again

    children workers found again
    Children aged ten to thirteen were found working as virtual slaves stitching shirts. In response GAP said it didn't know its' clothes were in that work shop. They demanded its supply make significant improvements to over sight of sub contracters. (OLIVER)
  • fire breaks out in Bangladesh factor

    fire breaks out in Bangladesh factor
    Fire breaks out in a factory in bangladesh that produced GAP clothing. The fire killed 29 workers. In response GAP launches a building and saftey plan. (oliver)
  • fire saftey inspection interview failed

    fire saftey inspection interview failed
    AL Jazeera found that one work shop was just a factory in someones back yard. There were no firre extinguishers and no fire exits. GAP says the jeans were rejected product ended up in stores without their knowledge. (OLIVER)
  • Rana Plaza building collapse

    Rana Plaza building collapse
    More than 1,100 people were killed in the collapse. Joe fresh and childrens place were making clothes there. (OLIVER)