Man - made Global Warming Begins
Global warming began a very long time ago, and has since caused many environmental issues, one of them being the death of coral reefs. -
The First Bleaching
When corals are bathed in warm water for too long, they undergo heat stress and die. This was the first time there was a large coral bleaching. -
Climate Change Funding Increases
In 2003, the government put forth 4.6 billion dollars for climate change research. That amount increased to 8.8 billion dollars in 2010. -
President Obama Says he will Fight Climate Change
Obama was one of the few presidents that was genuinely concerned about climate change and the effects it would have, and in his inaugural address he spent the most time talking about it than any president we've seen before. -
El Nino Begins
El Nino is causing a mass coral bleaching that is effecting oceans worldwide. Three years later, El Nino is still going on, and will continue well into 2017. It is only one of the many effects of global warming. -
Earth Experiences its Warmest Year Yet
2016 was the hottest year ever recorded in history, all because of the increased levels of carbon dioxide in the air. -
This Bout of Bleaching May Be Over?
The third coral bleaching began in 2015, and scientists predict that this term might be over... for now. But what happens when the oceans warm up again? -
Trump´s New Budget Cuts EPA Spending
President Trump´s 2018 budget plan will cut EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) spending by one third - leaving the air dirtier, and oceans warmer; the effect? There are many, but one of them includes more coral reef deaths. -
Trump May Demolish the Clean Power Plan
Trump wants to remove "unnecessary burdens" from the clean power plan, so that energy production can be continued. This energy production is the main contributor to global warming. -
Scott Pruitt Denies the Existence of Climate Change
Earlier this year, EPA chief Scott Pruitt full on denies the existence of climate change, and says that if the Earth were to be warming up, it's not because of too much carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere.