global warming actions

  • 105


    Use recycled paper regularly. Reduce paper consumption. Use the leaves on both sides. Make only the photocopies or print what is exclusively necessary.
  • 1031

    recycle the trash

    recycle the trash
    Separa los distintos elementos de tu basura: aluminio, papel, vidrio, plásticos y materia orgánica para volverlos a utilizar.
  • Transport

    Moderate the use of the vehicle, and make efficient use of it. Do not accelerate when the vehicle is not moving. Reduce air conditioning consumption.
  • government

    It requires long-term sustainable management of natural resources.
  • education

    Educate the youngest and everyone you meet in respect for nature
  • Reduce water consumption

    Reduce water consumption
    Avoid unnecessary water costs. Keep the shower open only the necessary time, do not leave the tap open while you brush your teeth or shave and do not throw any type of garbage into the sea, rivers or lakes.