Global Warming

  • Study of Co2

    Study of Co2
    Swedish Scientist is starting to study Co2 and understand that it absorbs heat and holds heat. Does not know the affects it has on climate of earth.
  • Population on earth

    Population on earth
    human population is now breaking the 2 billion mark
  • Co2 Emmisions, Industrial revolution

    Co2 Emmisions, Industrial revolution
    The industrial factories of the world is really picking up starting to have a major impact on the atmosphere yet little is still know about greenhouse gases and the understanding of the threat it has on the earth. Co2 output reaches 1 billion tons per year.
  • Fossil fuels

    Fossil fuels
    The fossil fuels burned for energy have increased and the Co2 levels are a major fear. 1 Billion tons a year
  • Guy Callendar

    Guy Callendar
    British engineer took data from world wide weather stations and examined the data collected and determined that the worlds overall temps have risen slightly and believes that it was being caused by the Co2.
  • Co2 too fast

    Co2 too fast
    Co2 levels are rising too fast and well above the average and there is a major issue because the ocean used to absorb a lot of the co2 but now is over saturated causing the co2 to just float in the are absorbing more and more of it collecting heat.
  • hope for change

    hope for change
    The world comes together and try to make change and let people see that we can come together and do something. Earth day was created and celebrated around the world. In hopes that people will start to take action and start to be more eco friendly
  • Storms take over the coasts

    Storms take over the coasts
    Katrina and any other major storms really affect the coast of major countries and just the world overall. People are affected everywhere. The ocean temps rise which allows the storms to have more energy and get stronger and more powerful.
  • fail to come together

    fail to come together
    The world fails to come together. The hunger for power starts to rise and the hunger for money is keeping countries from cutting cost and cutting back on non environment friendly ways to get oil and power the cities. the world meeting in copenhagen Denmark where they held the international global warming prevention meeting.
  • the end of the world 2012??

    the end of the world 2012??
    The world is struggling and many world issues are happening. through out the year of 2012 there were many dangerous heat waves, tropical storms, extreme precipitation, droughts in parts of the world with countries with n food and water.
  • No more arctic ice

    No more arctic ice
    Collapse of the west arctic ice caps and it is irreversible and it will cause the water levels around the world in the future to rise a few meters