Global tension

By aaryele
  • The British gain control of the cape colony in south Africa from the dutch

    British colonized the Cape and took it away from the Dutch to protect slave route to many.
  • Opium wars

    Two wars involving China and the British Empire over the British trade of Opium and China´s sovereignty.
  • Treaty of Nanking

    A peace treaty which led the first Opium war between the United kingdom and the Qing dynasty of China.
  • Danish war

    Germany rooted in the Scheleswing Holstein question on the issue of who should control the Dunchies of Schleswing and holsrein.
  • Indian Revolt

    Was unsuccessful uprising against the rule of the British East India company which was a sovereign power.
  • Seven week war

    War between the second French empire and later the 3rd French Republic and German states of the worth German.
  • Tokugawa shogun lost power and Japanese emperor was restored power

    Meiji returned the emperor to a central position in Japanese politics and culture.
  • Suez canal opens

    Suez canal open to navigation by Napoleon's wife.
  • Franco Prussia War

    Conflict between the second french empire and later the 3rd french republic and German states of the north German.
  • Second Reich

    The Hohenzollern Germany from the unification of Germany following the Franco-Prussian war.
  • Otto van Bismarck becomes Chancellor of Prussia

    Bismarck was raised to the rank of Chancellor. He was also appointed as the first imperial.
  • Beginning of the Scramble

    A process of Invasion, occupation, Colonization and Annetation of African territory by Europeans
  • Great Britain occupies Egypt

    Also called Veiled protectorate Egyptian treaty which granted Britain the right to station troops in Egypt
  • Berlin Conference

    Also known as Congo conference regulated European Colonization and trade in Africa.
  • French gain control of Indochina

    Annam, Tonkm and Cochinchina together form modern Vietnam.
  • Covention of Constantinople

    Treaty Signed by the man countries and empires. Establishing the sure canal as a International water way.
  • Battle Of Adowa

    Between Ethiopian empire and the kingdom of Italy over land and power.
  • Boxer rebellion

    An anti- imperialist anti colonial and anti- Christian uprising took place in china.
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    Between the Russian empire and the empire of japan over rival imperial ambitions in Manchuria and Korea.
  • Meiji Emperor

    Meiji suffered from diabetes, nephritis , gastroenteritis he died of Uremia.
  • France Occupies Djibouti

    France colonized Djibouti and named it french Somaliland.