Global Tension

By taya080
  • The British gain control of the Cape Colony in South Africa from the Dutch

    The Dutch originally had a model of colonialism in the country of South Africa in 1652.
  • Opium Wars

    There were 2 wars that involved China and British Empire. It was about British Empire trade of opium and China's sovereignty.
  • Treaty of Nanking

    It was a peace treaty between United Kingdom and the Qing Dynasty. This ended up in the first opium war.
  • Indian Revolt

    It was an unsuccessful rebellion against the British rule in India.
  • Otto Von Bismarck becomes Chancellor of Prussia

    He was appointed prime minister by Wilhelm I.
  • Danish War

    One of the causes was that there was a problem between the duchies of Schleswig, Holstein to Denmark, and German Confederation relationship.
  • Austro-Prussian War AKA Seven Weeks War

    This was a war between Prussia and Austria, Bavaria, Saxony, Hanover, and certain German states.
  • Tokugawa Shogun lost power and the Japanese Emperor was restored to power.

    When Tokugawa Shogun lost power the emperor was restored by Meiji.
  • Suez Canal opens

    The Suez Canal was open so that people could navigate. When it was first opened it was 25ft deep and 72ft wide.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    The conflict was between France and Prussia. France lost and German states under the leadership of Prussia.
  • Prussia declares a German Empire AKA the Second Reich

    It included the German Empire.
  • Beginning of the Scramble for Africa

    Europeans occupied, divided,and colonized territories in Africa.
  • Great Britain occupied Egypt

    Britain had troops stationed in Egypt for the defence of the Suez Canal.
  • Berlin Conference

    This divided Africa so it could be colonized.
  • French gain control of Indochina

    Since France won faction so they had control over Indochina.
  • Convention of Constantinople

    It was a treaty signed by the United Kingdom, Germany, Austro-Hungary, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Russian Empire, and Ottoman Empire.
  • Battle of Adwa

    It was a battle between the Ethiopian Empire and the Kingdom of Italy.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    It was anti-colonial uprising that happened in China.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    It was a war between Russian Empire and Empire of Japan. It was over rival imperial ambition in Korea & Manchuria.
  • Meiji Emperor died

    He died from complications of diabetes.
  • France occupies Djibouti

    Djibouti was the last of France's colonies.