The Mayflower Departs from Southampton, England
The Mayflower Drops Anchor at the Tip of Cape Cod, Signing of the Mayflower Compact
Pilgrims Aboard the Mayflower Sight Land
Peregrine White was the first English baby to be born to Pilgrims in New World
Departure of Expedition Along Cape Cod Resulting in "First Encounter" Between English and Native Americans
Landing Party Arrives at Site where Plymouth Settlement is Built, Beginning Difficult First Winter in New World
Improved Relationship with Native Americans by having an rescue party to retrieve John Billington from Nauset.
( OCT) The "First" Thanksgiving.
( Nov.) A Second Ship
One year after the Pilgrims first set foot in New England, a second ship sent by the Merchant Adventurers arrived. -
First Formal Contact Between English Colonists and Native Americans
Pilgrims Negotiate Peace Treaty with Nauset. Massasoit and Squanto were apprehensive about the Pilgrims.
Myles Standish Leads Small Band to Assassinate Native American Warriors at Wessagusset
( May) New Colonists
Arrived at Plymouth before having an new Colony Of Wessagusset. A ship named the Sparrow and carrying seven men to seek new adventure. -
( July) Two More Ships
In July 1623, two more ships arrived, carrying 90 new settlers, among them Leideners, including William Bradford's future wife, Alice. -
"Day of Thanksgiving"
The Pilgrims did not hold a true Thanksgiving until 1623, after a switch from communal farming to privatized farming finally resulted in a larger harvest. -
( March )Puritan Leaders Obtain Charter to Establish Colony at Massachusetts Bay
The Winthrop Fleet Departs from Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, for Colonial America
The Wintrhop Fleet Arrives in Salem, Massachussets
Seven hundred men, women, and children were distributed among the ships of the fleet. -
Pequots Attack Fort Saybrook
The General Court Of The Plymouth Colony Instituted A Legal Code
The Mystic Massacre
Pequot War Ends with the Treaty of Hartford
Native Americans Attack Settlements of Middleborough and Dartmouth
War Spread and involved the Podunk and Nipmuck tribes. -
Native Americans Attack Mendon Settlement in Plymouth Colony
Early violence in King Philip's War took place in Mendon, with the deaths of multiple residents and the destruction of Albee's mill. -
Native Americans Attack Brookfield Settlement in Plymouth Colony
Native Americans Attack Lancaster in Plymouth Colony
Involved the Podunk and Nipmuck tribes. -
The Battle of Bloody Brook
Native American Attack Severely Damages Town of Hatfield
Great Swamp Fight
Native American Forces Attack Plymouth Plantation
Native Americans Completely Destroy Providence, RI
Plymouth Colony Annexed to Massachusetts Bay Colony
This included the colonies of Plymouth, Rhode Island, Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut, and New Hampshire. -
Last Official Meeting of the Plymouth General Court