
give peace a chance

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    everything that is on here are things very inportant to the devolpment of the us.
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    civil rights movement

    the civil rights movement was a long fight for equal rights for blacks.
  • the beatles

    the beatles
    formed in liverpool the beatles became stars almost instantaneously and with that the where also inspirations to so many people. and even now in the today the beatles are still very well known. the first us visit was on a show called ed sullivan show and the became stars from there. this is the famous abbey road picture where pauls shoes are missing.
  • the day the music dead

    Perhaps the most depressing day in the brief history of rock and roll was February 3rd, 1959. A chartered airplane crashed near Clear Lake, Iowa and took the lives of Buddy Holly, J.P. "The Big Booper" Robinson, and Richie Valens. The three were on a concert tour of the upper midwest. also talked about in don mcLean's famous song american pie
  • u2

    american u2 spy plane shot down in ussr
  • John F. kennedy becomes president

    John F. kennedy becomes president
    many people believed they where in the golden age when jfk became president.
  • The bay of pigs

    The bay of pigs
    a secret invasion of runaway cubans to over throw communist president fidel castro and take back cuba. this mission failed horriblely.
  • steel industry rolls back prices

    after president kennedy publicly and privately pressured the steel industry to lower there price they finally did.
  • cuban missile crisis

    the soviet union was building a missile base in cuba this was known as the cuban missile crisis and which caused a quarantine (blockade).
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Makes His "I Have a Dream" Speech

    the famous speech of dr king
  • Muhammad Ali vs sonny liston

    Muhammad Ali vs sonny liston
    fought, and knocked out Sonny Liston; became heavyweight champion
  • fibere optics

    fibere optics
    the great invention of fibere optics
  • detroit

    The Detroit Riot of 1967 began when police vice squad officers executed a raid on an after hours drinking club or “blind pig” in a predominantly black neighborhoods located at Twelfth Street and Clairmount Avenue. They were expecting to round up a few patrons, but instead found 82 people inside holding a party for two returning Vietnam veterans. Yet, the officers attempted to arrest everyone who was on the scene. While the police awaited a “clean-up crew” to transport the arrestees.
  • martin luther king jr. dead

    on this day martin luther was shot dead but civil rights movement kept going.
  • moon landing

    A race was on to put a man on the moon. President Kennedy had challenged the nation. It was the mission of Apollo 11 to land two men on the moon, then return them safely to Earth. It was one of the most historic events. It demonstrated what man can do with effort and ingenuity.
  • watergate

    this was the Nixon scandal in which Nixon was gonna be impeached he resigned before a trial and president ford pardoned him.
  • king of rock and roll elvis presley found dead

    king of rock and roll elvis presley found dead
    elvis' girlfriend ginger allan found him in his bathroom dead.
    this picture is one of many newspapers stating the death of a king