Givan vocabulary timeline

  • brawl

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows J.K. Rowling "Bathilda described the whole thing to mother while I was listening at the door. A coffin-side Brawl!" (Rowling page 157). a rough or noisy fight or quarrel.
  • Contradicting

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling "We've been told to seal all the exits and not let anyone-"
    "Are you contradicting me?" Harry blustered. " Would you like me to have your family tree examined, like I had Dirk Cresswell's?"
    (Rowling 265)
    -assert the opposite of a statement made by someone.
  • intervened

    Harry Potter and The Deathly hallows J.K. Rowling
    "Ron gave Harry a reproachful look, and said,"Let's not worry about that now-" But Mr. Ollivander intervened" (Rowling 496.) come between so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events
  • intimidated

    Passion-Lauren Kate "For once, Luce didn't feel intimidated by the glory of their wings or the weight of their gazes. She felt disgusted"(Kate 34.)- frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants
  • feverishly

    Haunting Christmas tales: Chime Child by Ian Strachan "Feverishly brushing off the life-threatening snow , she noticed something clinging to the cuff of her anorak something done in a rapid manner.
  • meanders

    Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
    "It leads through the front doors and turns into a hallway, which meanders between rows of lockers and classrooms on both sides, finally entering the always open door to first period"(Asher 3-4).
    meanders- a winding curve or bend of a river or road.
  • engagements

    Thirteen Reasons Why Jay Asher
    "Hello, boys and girls. Hannah Baker here. Live and in stereo. No return engagements. No encore. And this time, absolutely no requests"(Asher 7) engagements- an arrangement to do something or go somewhere at a fixed time.
  • hallucinating

    Asylum by Madeleine Roux "I'm sitting in an old mental hospital, hallucinating emails about patients. Yeah. No biggie. Ready for that date, slugger?"(Roux 82). hallucinating- experience a seemingly real perception of something not actually present, typically as a result of a mental disorder or of taking drugs.
  • Frantically

    The Ambrose Beacon by Alena Gouveia
    " ' What are you doing?' Leroy yelled through the glass 'Open the door!'
    'No way,' Emmitt said while shaking his head frantically.'Those wolves will get inside His eyes were huge and Vaughan saw that he was actually crying"(Gouveia 156). Highly excited with strong emotion or frustration; frenzied: frantic with worry.
  • Druids

    The Ambrose Beacon by Alena Gouveia " 'I believe you and your grandparents are descendants of these people,and the things that your grandparents taught you are the same things that were passed on to the man who made this spear nearly three thousand years ago. Back then, they were known as Druids' "(Gouveia 192). druids-a priest, magician, or soothsayer in the ancient Celtic religion.
    a member of a present-day group claiming to represent or be derived from this religion.
  • vernacular

    One potion in the Grave 20-187
    "Tact was not a word in the Fowl family vernacular" (Blake 57). vernacular-the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.
  • Dictator

    One Potion in the Grave by Heather Blake 20 186
    "The dictator herself was standing in the gazebo with Landry and Gabi, Warren and Lousia"(Blake 94).
  • incantation

    The School for Good and Evil page 179
    "But if there was one thing Sophie knew,it was clothes. She recognized snakeskin under her fingers, mentally said incantation, and went invisible under her slinky black cape"( Chainani 179). incantation-a series of words said as a magic spell or charm.
  • luminous

    The School for Good and Evil-287-285
    "The School Master's face drained of blood as he looked up at a luminous ghost, a familiar face of snowy hair, ivory cheeks, and warm blue eyes"(Chainani 485). luminous-full of or shedding light; bright or shining, especially in the dark.
  • Fraught

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince pgs 10-50
    "The situation is fraught with complications..."(Rowling 50)
    Fraught-causing or affected by great anxiety or stress.
  • Obliterating

    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - pg 90 - 388
    " 'Because, I think, he is ashamed of what he remembers,' said Dumbledore. "He tried to rework the memory to show himself in a better light, obliterating those parts which he does not wish me to see...' "(Rowling 371). Obliterating- destroy utterly; wipe out.
  • livid

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince pgs 498-571
  • Intensity

    The Swap pgs 75 to 301
    " 'If we can play with the heart and intensity Mallsy showed today, we'll be alright'"(Shull 300).
    Intensity-of extreme force, degree, or strength.
  • preternaturally

    The Fault in our Stars pgs 18-82
    "...And now he wore the kind of thick glasses that made his eyes(both real one and the glass one) preternaturally huge, like his whole head was basically just this fake eye and this real eye staring at you"(Green 6).
    preternaturally-beyond what is normal or natural.
  • memorabilia

    The Fault In Our Stars pgs 18-82
    "A shelf at my eye level reached all the way around the room, and it was stuffed solid with basketball memorabilia..."(Green 29) memorabilia-objects kept or collected because of their historical interest, especially those associated with memorable people or events.
  • Hamartia (215)

    Hamartia (215)
    the fault in Our Stars 153-215 "He kissed my forehead and then I felt his powerful chest deflate just a little. 'Guess I had a hamartia after all'"(Green 215).
    hamartia-a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine.
  • Machismo(210)

    The Fault in Our Stars 153-215 "..I stood up to play a me all full of bluster and machismo, shouting'Get up, you fat ugly old man!'"(Green 210)
    Machismo-strong or aggressive masculine pride.
  • Sadist

    The Face on the Milk Carton pgs 10-39
    "'You'd never get it off! When we pulled the tape away, we'd scalp her ! You sadist..' "(pg 39). sadist-a person who derives pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain or humiliation on others.
  • Cyanide

    The face on the Milk Carton pgs 85-113
    They were as nervous as strangers waiting to have their teeth drilled. They drank orange juice as if it were spiked with cyanide"(Cooney 95). cyanide-a salt or ester of hydrocyanic acid, containing the anion CN− or the group —CN. The salts are generally extremely toxic.
  • hostile

    The Hunger Games - pgs 42-192
    " 'Myself? That's no good either. Haymitch says I'm sullen and hostile' " (Collins 121)
    hostile-unfriendly; antagonistic.
  • Forethought

    The Hunger Games- pgs 222-303 "The kiss last night was nice, but working up to another will take some forethought"(Collins 300)
    forethought-careful consideration of what will be necessary or may happen in the future.
  • lobotomy

    Escape From Asylum pgs 33-175
    "The warden waltzed right by Ricky, humming cheerfully to himself. The lobotomy, it seemed, had put him in a good mood"(Roux 175).
    lobotomy- a surgical operation involving incision into the prefrontal lobe of the brain, formerly used to treat mental illness.
  • play act

    play act
    Escape From Asylum - 33-END
    ¨It would be time soon, time to playact the tantrum of his life. He would need the energy but all he felt was exhausted¨(Roux 320). playact- engage in histrionic pretense.