

By Toasto
  • First GIS

    John Snow overlayed a map of the cholera victims and the water sources, thereby discovering a correlation between the two. This was one of the most primitive GIS system.
  • Evolution of basic GIS

    Later GIS systems were made first by drawing spacial features on glass plates and placing them on maps. Later there were replaced with film and then digital systems.
  • Modern GIS

    Research in geographical spacial analysis was formalised by the National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, lead by Michael Goodchild.
  • First complete GIS system

    Canadian geographical information system (CJIS) was invented. It consisted of a program that could store, overlay and measure spacial data. This allowed people to keep a record of the land in the country.
  • Period: to

    Harvard lab

    Howard Fischer invented SYMAP, a computer program for mapping. In 1965, he established the Harvard Laboratory for Computer Graphics. This was used in part for spacial analysis and was where many concepts in spacial analysis were concieved
  • ESRI is founded

    Esri is founded, Esri applied computer mapping and spatial analysis for helping land planners and resource managers make better decisions. Esri went on to develop some of the key tools and methods in modern day GIS systems.
  • GIS is commercial

    As computing became more powerful and more available, more people began using GIS to log, track, measure, manage and collect geographical data.