Griffin mets Cheyenne
Griffin stole the escalade and actually didn't realize that Cheyenne was in the car. Chapter 1 -
Griffin sends into the house
Cheyenne was in the house with Griffin, Roy, TJ, and Jimbo. Cheyenne didn't realize that Roy was actually the father or Griffin. Chapter 5 -
Period: to
Girl Stolen; yesenia garcia
News story
Roy and Griffin were listening to the news and it was a breaking news story saying that someone kidnapped the daughter of Nike's president and Roy realized that it was actually the girl that Griffin kidnapped. Chapter 8 -
Roys plan
Roy calls up Cheyenne father and makes a plan saying that if the father dosn't bring millions of dollars to him then he is going to keep Cheyenne hostage and probably kill her. Chapter 16 -
Cheyenne escapes
Cheyenne tricks Griffin into her going to the bathroom when actually shey escapes from the bathroom window. Chapter 12 -
Cheyenne runs
Cheyenne hits Griffin with a wrench to the head to escape. Chapter 24 -
Griffin meets up with Cheyenne
Griffin wakes up and finds Cheyenne in the snowy woods. Chapter 26 -
Duke & Cheyenne
Cheyenne leaves the house and takes duke with her to lead her into the woods. -
TJ and Jimbo
TJ was tired of Jimbo calling him stupid and he shots and kills Jimbo and leaves Griffin in the woods. Chapter 28 -
Roy catches Cheyenne and tricks her into him being a cop. He shoots the car while Cheyenne is trying to escape and then He gets caught by the police and gets arrested. Chapter 31