Nov 7, 1346
Black Death Attack
In Europe, the Black Death, a huge outbreak of plague carried by rat fleas, kills 25 million people, one-third of the population. It was transmitted to people by rats. The fleas would live onthe rats and the rats would wonder through out the streets and in the peoples' homes and the fleas would stick around and make everyone sick. -
Nov 12, 1406
The Long-Lost World Map Rediscovered
The long-lost map of the world drawn in the second century by the geographer Ptomoley is rediscovered in western Europe. It becomes the best existing map of the world. Ptomoley's map makes Columbus believe that Asia can be reached by sailing west from Europe. -
Nov 12, 1465
Navigation by Stars
Navigation by the stars is greatly improved upon earlier eras. Sailors and navigators can now find their ways throughout the night just by using the sky. No longer would tracking where you need to go be difficult at night time. You'd just have to look into the sky and the stars would give a layout of North, South, East, and West. -
Nov 12, 1492
Columbus Discovers West Indies
Columbus discovers the West Indies in the New World. Columbus also learns that compasses change direction slightly as the longitude changes. After seven centuries, the last Moslems are driven from Spanish soil. Leonardo Da Vinci draws a plan for a flying machine the same year. -
Nov 12, 1497
De Gama Rounds Africa
Portuguese explorer Vasco de Gama reaches India by rounding th tip of Africa. -
Nov 12, 1498
America is Discovered
Columbus discovers the American continent but believes it's part of Asia. When arriving there, he thought he was on his way to India but was sorely mistaken. People nowadays wonder whether we should still give Coulmbus credit for finding America or not. -
Nov 12, 1499
South America Isn't Part of Asia
Amerigo Vespuchi explores along th ecoast of South America and decide it is a new continent and it isn't part of Asia. From here on out, South America is now 1-7 of the world's continents. It is also the southern half of the Americas. -
Nov 12, 1507
New Map Created
A new map of the world uses the name America for the newly diescovered southern continent in honor of Amerigo Vespuchi. Later on, when they decide to have a North and South America, they decide to just to continue to use the same name because they're connected by a little land. -
Nov 12, 1513
Crossing The Pacific
A couple of things occured in this year. First of all, Balboa crosses the Isthmus of Panama and discovers the Pacific Ocean. Ponce de Leon also lands in Florida. -
Nov 12, 1535
Lima, Peru
Spanish conquerers found the city of Lima. Lima is located in Peru which is in South America. It was founded by Francisco Pizzaro on January 18, 1535. -
Nov 13, 1541
Mississippi River Explored
The Spanish explorer Hernando DeSoto explores the Mississippi River. The Mississippi River flows through the entire state of Mississippi up into Ohio. Later when The US becomes it's own country, the state of Mississippi is named after the river. -
Nov 13, 1542
North America Explored
Giovanni Verrazano explores the coast of North America for France. He was an italian explorer. He explored all the way from North and South Carolina to the New York harbor. -
Nov 13, 1577
Sir Francis Drake becomes the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe. He started his journey in Plymouth, England. It took him about 3 years to fully circumnavigate around the globe. -
Australia Discovered.
A Dutch explorer discovers Australia. Many had believed that earlier the Aborigines had discovered Australia first, but it has then since been proven that the Dutch were the first to discover it. No one knows for sure who the actual explorer was that came across Australia first. -
First Ever Telescope
Galileo builds his first telescope. He was also famous for inventing the thermometer. He also experimented with gravity and pendelums. This telescope would prove to be very helpful to future sea voyages and explorers. This invention allowed them to be able to see very up close with far away distances. -
Ginevra Babini Creates Time Line!
I chose the time periods I used because I thought they would be important to what made our world our world today. They also greatly contributed to the ability to explore with more of an ease; examples would be Galileo's telescope, maps, etc. Also the finding of other continents and unknown territories made it necessary to add because with out these explorerers, we wouldn't know about these land masses