Erikson Timeline

By angiii
  • Navyee's Rescue: Trust versus Mistrust

    Navyee's Rescue: Trust versus Mistrust
    Navyee (6 months old) cheerfully stopped crying as her mother picked up her binky on the ground. In Erikson's first stage, trust vs. mistrust, the crisis is between creating a bond that is filled with fondness (trust) or being scared due to the lack of needs is not given (mistrust).
  • Navyee's Questioning of Herself: Identity versus Identity Confusion

    Navyee's Questioning of Herself: Identity versus Identity Confusion
    Navyee (age 17) is in her senior year of high school and has been asked countlessly what she plans to do after high school. Her response has been, " I don't know." In Erikson's fifth stage, identity vs. identity confusion, the crisis is between knowing themself and what goals one would like to achieve (identity). On the other hand, when they fail to identify their plans, they are now known as behind or lost (identity confusion).
  • Navyee's Gratitudes: Generativity versus Stagnation

    Navyee's Gratitudes: Generativity versus Stagnation
    Navyee (age 35) helped her son, Landon, made chicken noodle soups for his sick dad. Landon poured the chicken broth into the pot following his mom's instructions. Erikson's seventh stage, generativity vs. stagnation, is between wanting to help others by educating the young ones (generativity) or only focusing on oneself and not others (stagnation).