Poachers kill 133 pandas in the year 1987
Amendment to the criminal law
1987, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress passed an amendment to the Criminal Law, saying "smugglers of giant pandas shall have a punishment of at least a 10-year sentence and confiscation of property; under grave circumstances, life sentence or even death sentence together with a total confiscation of property shall be applied." -
Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife
This Law was enacted for the purpose of protecting and saving the species of wildlife which are rare or near extinction, protecting, developing and rationally utilizing wildlife resources and maintaining ecological balances.The state shall protect wildlife and the environment for its survival, and shall prohibit the illegal hunting, catching or destruction of wildlife by any unit or individual.If natural disasters present threats to wildlife, its the governments job to resuce the harmed animals. -
Panda Management Plan
this management plan includes : reduction of human activities in panda habitat (removal of human settlements, modification of forestry operations, control of poaching) and management of bamboo habitat and extension of panda reserve system. -
Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China
The people's government shall give awards to units and individuals that have made outstanding achievements in protecting and improving the environment.the environmental protection department conduct supervision and management of the prevention and control of environmental pollution and protection of natural resources. -
Revision to the Forestry Law of Chinese Republic
This Law is enacted with a view to protecting, cultivating and rationally exploiting forest resources, accelerating territorial afforestation and making use of forests in water storage and soil conservation, climate regulation, environmental improvement and supply of forest products to meet the requirements of people's livelihood without depleting the resources. -
Natural Forest Conservation Program
banned logging in natural forests -
protection of the Qinling Mountains
lawmakers in northwest China 's Shaanxi Province enacted a regional law on November 26, 2007 that is intended to improve protection of the Qinling Mountains , a habitat of endangered giant pandas. -
Panda's will flourish
With more than 40 reserves for giant pandas, and multiple laws regarding the endangered species, the giant panda will flourish by the year 2040. The panda population will increase but not flourish in the near future because the population is very litte, less than 2,000 pandas are left in this world.