Soninke Is Banding
Around 300 AD, Soninke decided to group up with the people around them to protecct them from the nomadicherders that wanted their land. -
Period: 300 to Jan 1, 1200
Timespan of Ghanna
The begining of Ghana
This band of colonies created Ghanna -
Jan 1, 1060
One of the three things that made Ghanna fall were invasions. A North African group of muslims called the Almoravids invaded and in around 1060 they defeated Ghanna and took over, but not for long. They did weaken Ghanna a lot though. -
Jan 1, 1070
When the Almoravids invaded, they brought herds of animals that ate all of the crops and made them starve and forced them to move away. -
Jan 1, 1200
Inter Rebellion
The third thing that made Ghanna fall was that the people in a country that Ghanna had conquered started to rebel against them. In a few years the rebels had taken over. But they couldnt keep it in order. Then one of Ghannas neighbors attacked and made then fall for good. -
Jan 1, 1500
The fall of Ghanna?
In 1000 they were as wealthy as can be, but there were three main things that made Ghanna fall to the ground. -
Trading Routes
By 800 Ghanna had controll over all of the trading in West Africa. -
Taxes and Gold
Shortly after, they were getting so many passengers that they started to tax themthey would have to pay so much gold or money to be able to pass. -
Banning Wealth
Soon they even banned anyone else to even have gold nuggets, they could only have gold dust. Which was there form of money, this ensured that the king would defenatly be the most wealthy one in the whole city -
Ghanna was so wealthy that they got a great army and conquered all of their neighbors and to keep some order, they let them have most of their power back. This made them governers almost, they would onl anwser to the king though.