Ghana Controls Trade:
They lived in small groups and farmed the land along the Niger River. They grew in strength, they learned how to work with iron and how to use iron tools in farming. They are located between the Sahara, far to the north where forest would spread out. They were in one of the best places to gather resources such as gold and salt. They would then go through a process called silent barter, when they go throughout trading without contacting each other directly. -
Jan 1, 800
When gold and salt started to increase, many of Ghana's rulers gained power. With this, they built armies equipped with iron weapons that were superior to the weapons of the empires that were near them. Ghana started to become rich off of trading, making them superb compared to the near by enemies. Without trades or the materials they would not be anything. -
Jan 1, 1200
Ghana was rich and powerful, but they fell just as fast as they climbed. First invasion, many groups targeted them, making them weak. Not having the numbers lead to many other empires rushing them, taking materials that belonged to them. Overgrazing, the invaders would bring herds of animals with them. The animals would eat the grass, leaving the soil exposed to the sun, drying it out. Lastly the internal rebellion, where many people from Ghana would form a group and take over Ghana. -
Jan 1, 1230
So called, Mansa Musa would stress the impotence of learning to read Arabic, so that Muslims in his empire could read the Qur'an. He hired people to build mosques throughout his empire. When he died, his son took the thrown. He was a weak ruler, he would not be able to stop in invaders. All of the citizens of Mali would try to break away, and they would. Leaving this empire they would go on to move to a better stronger empire bringing many goods with them to make sure they could make a living. -
Jan 1, 1255
When Sundiata was very young, a harsh ruler would go on to conquer Mali. But, he built up a army and won back independence. He would go on the conquer many near-by kingdoms. He took over Ghana, with that he would take over all trades including gold and salt. He would also go on to improve agriculture in his parts. He even introduced "cotton" what would go on to be used for clothing and trade. But, he was worried about his fellow leaders would overrun him, he would go on to take power from them. -
Jan 1, 1300
Mali was another overpowered, they were located along the Niger River where the soil was very fertile. They also had many trade routes, allowing them to control trade on the river. They grew very rich and powerful, one empire that could rank with Ghana. This empire was brought into play by a ruler named Sundiata, who made them well above average. They were basically classified as unstoppable in this time. But would they go onto last and become one of the best empires in history? -
Jan 1, 1400
Through the Songhai empire was taken over by Mali, as we know the Mali empire got very weak, turning it to nothing. With this happening, Songhai was able to retain they're empire. But, not only could the replenish the empire, they would become wealthy. They would go on to expand their territory and build a bigger, better empire. Sunni Ali worked to unify, make the empire stronger, and enlarge the empire. He would encourage the people of the empire to work together, and bond stronger. -
Jan 1, 1492
Sunni Baru, the son of Sunni Ali did not believe in Islam. He would have to take over a Islamic believing community. They people on Songhai rebelled against him. Muhammad Ture, the general of Songhai overthrew Sunni Baru, making him the leader. He would support education and learning. He would make many universities, schools, library's, and mosques. He would go on to make laws, and overall make this empire the best as it has ever been, and ever will be. -
Could Songhai stay powerful forever? Songhai would go on to making a rivalry, against Morocco. Morocco wanted to gain control of Songhai's salt mines. Morocco would go onto send they're army to set out for the heart of Songhai. The swords, spears,and bows used by the Songhai army was unstoppable, not even comparing with Morocco's guns and cannons. The invaders destroyed Timbuktu and Gao. Songhai would go on to fall, allowing Morocco to take over all their materials, and power.