Female teachers = 100,000
The German Labour Front (DAF) set up
Set up in place of trade unions which were banned in 1933. It set out new employment rights of all workers and regulated working hours. -
The National Labour Service (RAD) introduced
It was a manual scheme providing voluntary work for the unemployed. -
Spending on arms = 3.5 billion marks
German army = 100,000
Unemployment = 4.8 million
The Beauty of Labour (SdA) set up
This organisation tried to ensure good standards at work of: safety, cleanliness, lighting, noise levels, ventilation and hot meals. -
The Kraft durch Freude (KdF) set up
Strength through Joy provided leisure activities for workers including sports facilities, films, outings and theatre shows. The most loyal workers could win holidays. KdF was the world's largest tour operator in the 1930s. -
Boycotts of Jewish businesses
Jews banned from government jobs
The Law for the Encouragement of Marriage
Loans of 1000 marks (about 9 months wages) were provided for young couples to marry. -
Jews banned from inheriting land
Jews banned from the army
Jews banned from restaurants
The RAD became compulsory
All young men had to serve 6 months in the RAD. Those in the RAD were used to: work in fields, build public buildings and to build autobahns. -
The Nuremberg Laws passed
Jews lost the right to vote, hold government office or have German passports. The Reich Law of the Protection of German Blood and Honour forbade Jews from marrying German citizens. -
Lebensborn introduced
The fountain of life programme introduced by the SS leader Heinrich Himmler. -
Hitler began his 'Four Year Plan'
The secret plan declared that the German economy should be reorganised to be war ready within four years. -
German army = 500,000
Unemployment = 1.6 million
Jews had to register all possessions
Jews had to carry an identity card
Jewish doctors, dentists and lawyers forbidden to work for Ayrans
Hershel Grynszpan shot Ernst von Rath
Grynszpan was a Polish Jew who was angry with the Germans due to the way they treated his parents. -
Ernst von Rath died
This led to gangs smashing up Jewish property and attacking Jews as Hitler ordered that the government should not stop people taking revenge. -
814 shops, 171 homes and 191 synagogues destroyed. 100 Jews died. -
20,000 Jews in concentration camps
Jews rounded up as punishment for Kristallnacht. They were also fined 1 billion marks, banned from running businesses and from attending schools or universities. -
Edelweiss Pirates = 2000 members
Unemployment = 0.5 million
Germany had 7000 miles of autobahn
Spending on arms = 26 billion marks
German army = 900,000
The Reich Office for Jewish Emigration set up
Heydrich (head of the Gestapo) became its director who was given the task of ridding Germany of Jews by emigration. -
Jews could be evicted from rented homes
After the German invasion of Poland in September 1939, many Jews were deported to Polish ghettos. -
The first Mother's Cross awarded
Bronze = 4-5
Silver = 6-7
Gold = 8-9