germany history

By shromp
  • formation of germany

    Prussia was the most powerful state out of many that combined to form Germany
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    related to British royal family
    liked the British navy
    was very badly tempered but energetic
    weltpolitik- Germany becoming a world power
    autocrat- a ruler with absolute power
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    what was germany like

    focused on militarisms, army
    industrialisation- made as much coal and steel as Britain
    population 49mil - 68 mil
    big rich vs poor divide
    poor living and working conditions
    not enough food
    big debt of 489bill marks by 1913
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    law making/ structure

    .Kaiser proposed laws
    reichstag could accept or reject laws-
    chancellor- government minister, proposed laws but could be dismissed by kaiser
    government- helped kaiser run country
    voters- men over 25, voted for different political parties
  • rise in social democrats

    rise in left wing political parties, wanting more democracy due to workers wanting more rights, but kaiser wanted to rule alone as an autocratic leader
    had 110 seats in reichstag in 1912
    people angry that tax money was taken for militarisation rather than increasing wages
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    3 mil soldiers died
    food and fuel shortages
    factories closed, focused on producing weapons
    1918- increase in strikes
  • mutiny at Kiel

    sailors refused to obey orders and had a revolution
    inspired many others to also strike
  • abdication of Kaiser

    kaiser dipped
  • social democrats takeover - Friedrich Ebert

    Germany became a democratic republic with Ebert promising to end war and hold elections
    called the November Criminals
  • armistice

    germany surrendered
  • Terms of Versailes

    Land, Army, Money, Blame
    Diktat- enforced peace
    lost 13% land
    100,000 soldier army
    6 mil mark reperations
    War Guilt Clause
  • Article 48

    allows president of Weimar republic to make rules alone without using the Reichstag
  • Weimar Republic rules

    Friedrich Ebert was the first president
    all Germans were equal
    voting system of proportional representation
    rules had to go through Reichstag
  • Spartacist Rising

    freikorps crushed the uprising
    left wing
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    Friedrich Ebert ruling

  • Kapp Putsch

    Nationalistic uprising
    Freikorps- soldiers protested
  • SA

    led by Ernst Rohm
    became big in 1933
    made of old soldiers
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    extreme rise in prices
    government printed money to pay workers striking in Ruhr
  • occupation of Ruhr

    germany couldnt pay reperations do French and Belgian soldiers invaded the Ruhr
    workers were striking
  • Munich Putsch

    led by Hitler and General Ludendorff( ww1 leader)
    tried to take power by force
    Fails- stopped by police
    Ludendorff and Hitler were arrested
    Hitler imprisoned
    wrote Mein Kampf
  • Dawes Plan

    USA loans given to Germany which allowed it to improve and pay reparations
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    German Golden Age

    no attempt to overthrow
    improvement in art, culture, music, literature
    more gender equality
    anti-war media
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    Gustav Stresemann

    Led Golden Age
    was chancellor and foreign minister
    introduced new currency - Rentenmark - brought hyperinflation under control
    ended occupation of Ruhr- promised to pay reparations
    Golden Age
  • Locarno Treaties signed

    acceptance of ToV
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    Paul Von Hindenburg ruling

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    nazi party votes increasing from 500,000 to 14 million

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    Wall Street Crash leading to Great Depression

    US loans were taken back, so german economy collapsed
    unemployment rose to 6 million
    businesses closed, no German good produced
    this made people desperate for new political parties
  • all political parties banned

  • Hitler became Chancellor

  • reichstag fire

    communist party blamed
    Hindenburg gave Hitler article 48 powers
  • enabling act

    gave hitler power to pass laws by himself
  • unemployment was an issue

    Nazis made different schemes to battle unemployment
    conscription into army
    construction work- building hospitals and public buildings
    men aged 18-25 forced into 2 years army work
  • Night Of The Long Knives

    Killed Ernst Rohm- leader of SA
    SS soldiers killed 200 SA leaders, many arrested
    killed many opposition of Hitler killed
    Hitler confessed
  • Hitler becomes Fuhrer

    after Hindenburg's death, Hitler becomes an absolute ruler
  • Nuremberg Laws

    citizenship taken away from Jews
    interracial relationships were prohibited
  • Kristallnacht

    ordinary German people destroyed Jewish businesses
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    caused: rationing of food, labour shortages, bombings