
  • The establishment of the German Confederation

    The establishment of the German Confederation
    The German cofedration was created by the 9th act of Congress of Vienna, and lost 39 German states
  • Mrach Demonstations

    Mrach Demonstations
    Mrach demonstations in Berlin led the King Frederick William IV to grant a liberal constitution.
  • Pursian army took Berlin

    Pursian army took Berlin
    Pursian army took Berlin and the King suppresseds the liberal constitution nad dissolved the Frankfurt Parliament.
  • Wilhen I takes the thorne

    Wilhen I takes the thorne
    Wilhen I takes the thorne he succeeded Fredrick William to the trone.
  • Bismarck Declares his Rule Independent of Parliament

    Bismarck Declares his Rule Independent of Parliament
    With the King’s approval (but in direct violation of the constitution), Bismarck declares he will rule without the consent of parliament and without a legal budget in a his first speech as Chancellor. September 30, 1862.
  • Bismark is appointed Chanceller

    Bismark is appointed Chanceller
    Bismark is appointed Chanceller, the conservitive junker was appointed chanceller by Wilhem I
  • Period: to

    Schleswig-Holstien Question and the War against Denmark

    In 1863 King Christian VII of Denmark formally incorporated the Duchies of Schleswig into the Danish Kingdom, breaking the terms of the Treaty of London of 1852
  • End of the German confederation

    German confederation was ended
  • After the 7 weeks war

    After the 7 weeks war
    The remaining states of northern Germany joined the North German confederation, which Prussia dominated completely.
  • Seven Weeks War

    Seven Weeks War
    Arguments about the administration of Schleswig-Holstein led to the war breaking out between Austria and Prussia.
  • Period: to

    The Franco-Prussian War

    Napoleon III of France wanted compensation in Belgium and Luxemburg for not having stayed neutral in the Austro-Prussian war.
  • Prussian army surrounded the main French force

    Prussian army surrounded the main French force
    at Sedan during the Franco-Prussian War. Among the 83,000 prisoners that were taken was Napoleon III himself. Parisians withstood a German siege until they were forced to surrender from hunger. September of 1870