Russian Revolution
Russian Revolution full Documentary 1/6 destruction of the tsarist autocrcy and led to the soviet union. The tsar was deposed and replaced by a provisional goverment. then during october the goverment was changed by a bolshevik goverment (communist) -
german revolution
Spartakist Uprising 1919
Germany was politically driven in conflict from the defeat in world war one. Which resulted in the replacement of germanys imperial goverment with a republic. -
Military defeat
Germany felt like they hadnt lost the war. However this caused national shock when news spread to germany about defeat. Propaganda and censorship was delayed too long. -
kaiser abdicates
the kaiser didnt fromally abdicate he simply walked into voluntarliy excile in the netherlands. then germany was declared a republic. -
spartacists revolt
rosa luxemborg and karl liebknect ran the spacticists, they were a break away group of the spd. opposed the war in 1914 and were jailed for their anti war veiws. They were brutally murdered on january 15th 1919 by the freikorps. -
woodrow wilson 14 points
14 points was sent to ensure the war was being fought for moral causes and to ensure wide spread peace in europe. -
first national assembly meeting
Ebert invited the liberal lawyer Hugo Preuss to draw up a new constitution for germany and a draft was outlined by the time national assembly was established. -
treaty of versallies
Treaty of versallies was one of the peace treaties at the end of world war one. It ended the state of war between germany and the allied powers. 1) Rhineland demiliterised 2) An Anschluss between Austria and Germany was forbidden 3) Sarr was controlled by the league -
The creation of the Weimar Republic
This was used to -
The Kapp Putsch
The first majour crisis of the RIGHT was The Kapp Putsch. After some order had been restored by the end of 1919, the socialist-led govement had less need for the friekorps. -
Assasinations between 1919 -1923
Between 1919-1923 Weimar politicians lived in fear of assassinaton. The effect of war, revolutionary origins of the republic , the political struggles of the period and the challenge to traditional values encouraged some rigth wing Germans to resort to murder. This was to weaken the DEMOCRATIC REGIME IN GERMANY. -
Germany growing economic problems came to a head in1923 when prices soared and money values plummited.