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German Unification Timeline

By juchu
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    Napoleon Invades German Lands

    He added land along Rhine River to France. At first some Germans welcomed French emporer but when Napoleon was coquer it stared a spark for nstionalism.
  • Congress of Vienna

    Congress of Vienna
    The congress of Vienna was a conference of amassoders of the Euopean states held in Vienna. This was to create long term peace for Europe. To do this they settled critical issues that have occored in the past wars (including the French Revolution and theNapoleonic wars.)
  • Otto Von Bismarck Birth

    Otto Von Bismarck Birth
    He was born in Schönhausen Germany. His father is Karl Wilhelm Ferdlnand Von Bismarck, and mother Wihelmine Wise Menken.
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    Is the Economic union that was created by Prussia.
  • Frankfurt Assembly Demands Unity

    Frankfurt Assembly Demands  Unity
    Liberals met in the Frankfurt assembly and determined German Political union. Debated if Germany should be a republic or monarchy.
  • Frederick William IV is offered the Throne

    Frederick William IV is offered the Throne
    Fredrick was offered the throne but since the people offered him the throne he declined it. Since it was not traditional he declined.
  • Bismarck Becomes Prime Minister

    Bismarck Becomes Prime Minister
    King William I made Bismarck Prime Minister in 1862.
  • Blood and Iron Speech

    Blood and Iron Speech
    This speech helped Bismarck set the tone for future policies of his and to build a strong and unified German state.This showed people that he will get what he wants and when he wants it, if people did not follow/help him he'd use force.
  • Bismarck Declares War on Denmarck

    Bismarck Declares War on Denmarck
    After Bismarck formed an allience with Austria, they then took over the provinces of Schleswig and Holstein from Denmarck.
  • Bismarck Declares War on Austria

    Bismarck Declares War on Austria
    Bismarck made and excuse to attack Austria and betray their allience. After 7 weeks he had won and seized their territory and some other northern provinves.
  • William I of Prussia Becomes Emperor

    William I of Prussia Becomes Emperor
    Some princes from the Southern Gernan states and thh Northern German Confederation persuaded William I to become emperor.
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    Campaign Against the Socialists

    Socialist groups wanted change for the working class ,but Bismarck feared a revolution. so he created laws to outlawing socailsm newspapers and socialist groups. But that didn't not help beceause it only made them stronger. Sooner or later Bismarck gave in and passed things so they could have benifits again.
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    Franco Prussian War

    This war was between the German states of the North German Confederation led by the kingdom of Prussia and the Second French Empire.
  • Bismarck Becomes Chancellor

    Bismarck Becomes Chancellor
    Willian I assigned Bismarck as Chancellor beneathe him.
  • Second Reich is created

    Second Reich is created
    Constituion drafted by Bismarck at a two house legislator.
  • House of Krupp

    House of Krupp
    An enormous industrial company that produces steel weapons for world market.
  • Economic Development

    Economic Development
    German government promoted economic development, determinded to maintain economic strength and military power.
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    Population Growth

    Huge home markets and highly skilled work force. About 41-67 million workers.
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    Campaign against the church (Kulturekampf)

    Bismarck campaiged against the church and clergy, and believes to be loyal first to the Pope and not Germany. He passed laws that limited Catholic power and that alllowed supervision of Catholic education.
  • Constitution Drafted by Bismarck

    Constitution Drafted by Bismarck
    The parliament of the confederation (the first reichstag) was elected on Feburary 12th, 1867. Later on the constitution was accepted.
  • William II Becomes Kaiser

    William II Becomes Kaiser
    Bismarckwas asked to resign because he believed in only one ruler. So then William II became Kaiser and provided many things like electricity, good school systems and transportation.
  • Bismarck Resigns

    Bismarck Resigns
    Bismark Resigned with a sense of failure and left William II in charge.