German Unification Timeline

  • Napoleon invades German Lands

    Napoleon invades German Lands
    The war is known as the Battle of Austerliz and the Battle of the Three Emperors. Napoleon the First lead the French army into a 9 hour war near Austerliz. The French won and this later lead to to Austria and France signing the Treaty of Pressburg, which took Austria out of the war and the Coalition.
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    House of Krupp

    The Krupp Family was a prominent 400-year-old German Dynasty from Essen. They've become famous for their steel products and also they're infomous for their harsh slave labor at the time of World War II.
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    Congress of Vienna

    The objective of the Congress of Vienna was to come to a long-term agreement between Europe and the Napoleonic wars. They did this by settling important issues coming from the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. The goal was to hold back the main powers so they could even on another out and keep at peace.
  • Otto Von Bismark Birthday

    Otto Von Bismark Birthday
    Otto Von Bismark had a very conservative personality. He was a Prussian statesman that dominated German and European affairs from the 1860s untill 1890. Under the Prussian leadership he created many wars to unify all the German states except for Austria, and put them into a mighty German Empire. Later he enraged 3 unprolonged wars against Denmark, Austria, and France. Not much later after that he became the chancellor of the the German empire he created and still kept incharge of Prussia.
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    The Zollverein was also known as the German Customs Union. This was a coalition to the German states that were formed to manage taxes and the policies within the territories. It had officially started in 1834 but the foundations were developed back in 1818 along with the creations of a veriety of custom unions within the German states.
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    Frankfurt Assembly demands unity

    The Frankfurt Assembly was the first freely elected parliament for all of Germany elected on May 1st 1848. Its exsistance was the reason for the German Confederation. After many drawn out altercations the assembly came up with the Frankfurt Constitution announced a German Empire based on the rules of the parliamentary democracy. This constitution also produced a foundation of basic rights.
  • Frederick William IV is offered the Throne

    Frederick William IV is offered the Throne
    Frederick William IV was a conservative and oldest son of Fredrick William III of Prussia that was named King of Prussia From 1840 to 1861. In 1849 he rejected his offer to take the crown of united Germany from the Frankfurt Parliament.
  • Blood and Iron speech

    Blood and Iron speech
    This speech was on the topic of the German Territories and was given Bismark. This speech became famous and known as the blood adn iron speech meaning death weapons and war. Bismark gave this speech to the Landtag; the Prussian legislative.
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    Franco Prussian War

    The Franco-Prussian war is sometimes referred to the Franco-German War and the in France the War of 1870. The main cause of the Franco-Prussian was the German Unification. This war had also veen casued by a letter that Bismakr had edited and sent to the French. He had edited the letter to make it look like Germany had insulted France. They had called for war but later lost. The German forces we much more superior in numbers than then French and had better training, leadership and technology.
  • bismark declares war on Denmark

    bismark declares war on Denmark
    Bismark denounced Christian's decision to completely annex schlegswig to Denmark. Christian IX refused to return schleswig to is previous status, Austria and Prussia invaded and Denmark was later forced to give up both dukedoms.
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    Campaign against the church (kulturekampf)

    Bismark held this campaign to reduce the role and power of the Romain Catholic Church in Prussia and to get them to put the state before the church. This did not extend out to the other German states. Bismark Reuced the political and social influence of the Catholic Church to appeal to the Liberals and Protestants. Anyone that went against the Kulturekampf was arrested. This campaign ended up backfiring on Bismark because it caused the Catholics to become a political force in the Centre Party.
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    The Second Reich

    The second Reich was a period when Germany was divided into city states at beginning of German Unification. This was because of the Congress of Vienna attempting to balance power in Europe. They didn't want Germany to be United into one nation, they felt Germany would have to much power.
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    William I of Prussia becomes Emperor

    William I of Prussia had become Emperor on January 18th 1871. He was the first German Emperor and, the head of the state when Germany Unified. Bismark had inified Germany under his control.
  • Bismark becomes chancellor

    Bismark becomes chancellor
    Bismark had been named chancellor and had formed the German Empire while still remaining in control of Prussia.
  • constitution drafted by Bismark

    constitution drafted by Bismark
    The German Empire was based on the north German Constitution. it was created shortly after the Austria-Prussian war. This constitution took place in 1867 till 1871.
  • Bismark declares war on Austria

    Bismark declares war on Austria
    Bismark declared war on May 2nd 1871 but the war did not start till june 14th 1866. the war lasted till august 23th 1866 and resulted in a decisive Prussian and Italian Victory. This war was between the German Confederation and its allies against Italy. The war is also known as the German Unification War, the German Civil War and, Prussian-German War
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    Population growth

    When the New German Empire had first been created after the imperial proclamation they only had a population of 41 million people. By 1914 they had dramatically increased to 68 million people.
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    campaign against the socialists

    The Anti-Socialist Law of 1878 could possibly be the most important law durring Bismark's Chancellorship. Bismark had made many attempts to reduce the growth of Germany's Social Democracy in the 1870s. When the laws were finally passed it did not ban the SPD(Social Democratic Party; at the time it was named the SDP) directly but, many of the laws did hurt the organization in different ways.
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    William II becomes Kaiser

    William II or WIlhelm II was related to many monarchs and Princes of Europeand was the eldest grandson of the British Queen Victoria. He took the throne after his father, Wilhelm I, died from throat cancer. Wilhelm II was 29 years olf when he succeeded as German Emperor and King of Prussia. William II was the last Kaiser and King of Prussia.
  • Bismark resigns

    Bismark resigns
    William II Emperor of Germany dismissed Chancellor Bismark and ended the career of the man responsible for Germans Unity. There were many conflicts between Wilhelm and his chancellor which was followed by a weak relationship. William II wanted to be his own master where as Bismark though he could dominate him. William II could not do what he wanted to do with Bismark by his side so he asked Bismark to resign and he did with no trouble pursuing in his tracks.