German unification stuff

  • Frankfurt assembly

    This document was showing that prussia is the right state to lead the newly founded Germany and austria wasn't
  • Proclamation of 1849

    The government of germany asked Friedrich Wilhelm IV to be their king but he declined it
  • letter to minister von manteuffel

    in the letter by bismark he say the only way to settle things between prussia and austria is war
  • field marshal helmuth von moltke

    This document was stating the reason for the war and that it wasn't war forced upon by popular opinion
  • otto von bismarck

    bismarck basically says in this document that he didnt want to hurt austria to badly and that they just wanted revenge
  • The imperial proclamation

    This document is just the proclamation of the king of prussia taking leadership of the germany and proclaims what he will do for the new country