German Unification

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    Napolen invades German lands

    Napoleon had certain success while invading other countries, so nothing else was stopping him from invading Germany. This was apart of a timespan called the Napoleonic Wars.
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    Congress Of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna was confrerence of ambassadors from European States. It was lead by an Austrian memeber named Klemens Wenzel von Metternich.
  • Otto von Bismark is Born

    Otto von Bismark is Born
    Otto von Bismark was born in Schönhausen, Germany to parents of the nobility. Later on in life, He became the first Chancellor of the unified Germany
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    An economic union created by Prussia. It dissolved the tarrifs and barriers betweeen German States
  • Frederick William IV is offered the throne

    Frederick William IV is offered the throne
    Frederick William's ascend to the Prussian throne was greeted with the expectation that he might help to realize the liberal-national aspirations of his distinguished friends.
  • House of Krupp

    The Krupp Dynasty was started by the Krupp family who were famous for their steel production and exports of ammunition. As of now, the dynasty is 400 years old with 5 generation.
  • Frankfurt Assembly demands unity

    Frankfurt Assembly demands unity
    The assembly worked on uniting Germany as a whole. But was unable to pass due to the debates.
  • Blood and Iron Speech

    Blood and Iron Speech
    This was a speech given by The German Prime Minister, Otto von Bismark. It was about the unification of the stragling German States.
  • Bismarck declares war on Denmark

    Bismarck declares war on Denmark
    When the Dutchhad annexed their king to the two German provinces, Schleswig and Holstein, Bismarck took it upon himself to team up with Austria and take back the two states.
  • Bismarck drafts first Constitution

    Bismarck drafts first Constitution
    On 16 April it accepted the constitution, which was originally written by Otto von Bismarck, the Prussian minister-president and first President of the confederation. North German liberals had their influence within it.
  • Bismarck declares war on Austria

    Bismarck declares war on Austria
    After the war with Denmark, Bismarck had one procidence and Austria had the the other. Then, Bismarck decides to stab the Austrians in the back and take back Holstein.
  • Economic Growth since 1870

    German unification and its rapid economic growth was the foundation to Otto von Bismarck foreign policy. The economy went throught the roof with the population boom.
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    Franco-Prussian War

    France declares war aganist Prussia. The battle ends in Prussian in victory with both power of the German states Schleswig and Holstein.
  • Second Reich is created

    Second Reich is created
    The Second Reich is another name for the German Empire, which was founded in 1871 and was also a consititution
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    Population Growth from 1871-1914

    Between 1871 and 1914, the population had gone up and down sveeral times. The rate of population growth, birth rate and marrige rates had swerved many different times having below 7.0 and above 10.0.
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    The German word, Kulturekampf, refers to German policies in relation to secularity and reducing the role and power of the Roman Catholic Church in Prussia, enacted from 1871 to 1878 by the Prime Minister of Prussia, Otto von Bismarck.
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    William I becomes Emperor

    With the help of Bismarck, William the First had unified Germany and established the German Empire. He also withheld the policies Bismarck had aswell.
  • Bismarck Becomes Chancellor

    Bismarck Becomes Chancellor
    The role of chancellor had been established with the North German Confederation. In 1871 Prime Minister, Otto von Bismarck was apointed to be the chancellor of Germany once it was a complete
  • Campaign aganist the Socialists

    Bismarck had made it clear that he didnt agree with the Socialists. It was the most contervisal even that happened during his chancellor -ship
  • William the Second becomes Kaiser

    William the Second becomes Kaiser
    was the last German Emperor (Kaiser) and King of Prussia, ruling Willam the second was Kaiser of the German Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia from 15 June 1888 to 9 November 1918. He was the eldest grandson of the British Queen Victoria and related to many monarchs and princes of Europe.
  • Bismarck Resigns

    Bismarck Resigns
    His resignation was due to the rising conflict between the Kaiser, William the Second, and himself, After the tension rise even more after people began to ask more and more questions.