German Unification

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    Napoleon invades German Lands

    Napoleon made important territorial changes in Germany. He added land along the Rhine river to France. At first some Germans welcomed French emperor but when Napoleon started conquering it sparked Nationalism.
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    Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna was a conference of ambassodors of Europeon states held in Vienna. The point of the Congress of Vienna was to provide long-term peace for Europe. To provide peace they wanted to settle critical issues that came up during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars.
  • Otto Von Bismarck Birth

    Otto Von Bismarck Birth
    Otto Von Bismarck's parents were Willhelmine Luise Mencken and Karl Wilhelm von Bismarck. He was born in Schönhausen, Germany.
  • Zollverein

    The Zollverein was an alliance of German states that was fromed to manage economic policies within their territories. It was organized by 1833 but it wasn't formal until Jan. 1, 1834.
  • Frankfurt Assembly demands unity

    Frankfurt Assembly demands unity
    Liberals met in the Frankfurt assembly and demmanded for German political unity. The debated on if Germany should be republic or monarchy.
  • Federick WIlliam is offered the throne

    Federick WIlliam is offered the throne
    Federick William was from Prussia.He was offered the throne but he rejected the offer because it came from the people and not from the Princes(or people of higher power)
  • William 1 of Prussia becomes Emperor

    William 1 of Prussia becomes Emperor
    He was the king of Prussia and the first German emperor. He also became the first head of state of Germany (who was united).
  • Bismarck becomes prime minister

    Bismarck becomes prime minister
    In 1859 he was sent to Russia as a Prussian ambassador and in May of 1862 he then moved to paris to the court of Napoleon lll. Sense he had 11 years of experience he became prime minister.
  • Blood and Iron speech

    Blood and Iron speech
    The Blood & Iron speech was about the unification of German territories. Otto von Bismarck gave the speech before the Landtag, the Prussian legislature.
  • Bismarck declares war on Denmarck

    Bismarck declares war on Denmarck
    Prussia and Austria declared war on Denmarck. They won easily, Bismarcck then created a treaty with Austria even though he kind of knew it wouldnt work.
  • Bismarck declared war on Austria

    Bismarck declared war on Austria
    Bismarck invented an excuse to attack Austria. It was fought between the German Confederation and the leadership of Austrian Empire.
  • Constitution drafted by Bismarck

    Constitution drafted by Bismarck
    On the 16th of April it accepted the constituion which was originally written by Otto von Bismarck. The parliament of the confederation was elected on February 12, 1867.
  • Second Reich is created

    Second Reich is created
    The second reich was a costituion drafted by Bismarck that set up a 2 house legislator. It was the first thing that was officially called in German Desutches Reich.
  • Franco Prussian War

    Franco Prussian War
    It was often referred to in France as the 1870 war. It was a grwoing rivalry between the 2 nations which led to the war.
  • Bismarck becomes Chancellor

    Bismarck becomes Chancellor
    He was the founder and first Chancellor of the German Empire. He was chancellor from 1871-1890.
  • House of Krupp

    House of Krupp
    The house of Krupp is an enourmous idustrial complex that produced steel and weapons for world market.
  • Economic Development

    Economic Development
    The German government promoted economic development. They were determined to maintain economic strength and military power.
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    Population Growth

    The population growth provided a huge world market and highly skilled workforce. The population went from 41 million people to 67 million people.
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    Campaign against the church(Kulturekampf)

    Bismarck's goal was to make Catholics be more loyal to the state than the church. In order to do this he put laws that gave the right to supervise Catholic education and approve what the priests would say. Other laws expelled Jesuits from Prussia and made it required for couples to be married by civil authority.
  • Campaign against the Socialists

    Campaign against the Socialists
    It is thought that the Ant-Socialists law may have been the most important law of Bismarck's chancellorship. Bismarck made several attempts to reduce the growth of German Social Demmocracy during the 1870s.
  • William ll becomes Kaiser

    William ll becomes Kaiser
    He was the last German Emperor and king of Prussia. He ruled the German Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia from June 15, 1888 to November 9, 1918.
  • Bismarck resigns

    Bismarck resigns
    Bismarck at age 75 resigned with having sense of failing.