German Unification

  • Period: to

    Napoleon invades German Lands

    Napoleon leaves france with an army of French and talians. ley left france in the 25 of Aug 1805. Napoleon entered Berlin on the 26 of Oct 1806.
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    Congress of Vienna

    The Congress of Vienna was held to help insure long lasting peace in Europe. The Congress was chared by an Austrian and heled in Vienna whitch is in Austria.
  • Otto Von Bismark's Birth

    Otto Von Bismark's Birth
    Otto Von Bismarch was born in the town of Schönhausen. He would later become the empire of Germany.
  • Houes of Krupp

    Houes of Krupp
    The Houes of Kurpp is a 400 year old German dynasty. They provied Germans with amunition and arms.
  • Zollverein

    The Zollverein is a hard minded enconomical union. There ecomomical advice was baseed on the needs of the state and not on the needs of the indvidual.
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    Economic Devlopment

    Econmic Devopment was the formation of the Zollverein whitch as mentioned before was a hardminded econmic union based of the need of the state. The Econmic Development stoped with the formation of the North German Confederation.
  • Fredrick William IV is offerd the throne

    Fredrick William IV is offerd the throne
    Fredrick William IV was offerd the throne after his fathers death. He also become Grand Duke of Posen,Prince of Neuchâtel,and President of the Erfurt Union.
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    Frankfurt Assembly demands unity

    The Frankfurt Assembly was the first freely elected assembly of Germany. They wanted Germany to become one contry insted of the provinces they were.
  • Constitution drafted by Bismarck

    Constitution drafted by Bismarck
  • Blood and Iron speech

    Blood and Iron speech
    This speach was given by Otto Von Bismarch when Germany became a unified contry. One of Bismarchs well known quotes are from the end of the 'Blood and Iron' speech.
  • Bismarck declars war on Denmark

    Bismarck declars war on Denmark
    Bismarck and Austria teams up to take the provinces of Schleswig and Holstine. Prussia and Austria won the war and eatch got one province.
  • Bismarck declares war on Austria

    Bismarck declares war on Austria
    Sometimes refered to as the "seven Week War". The war ended with dicisive Prussian victory.
  • William 1 of Prussia becomes Emperor

    William 1 of Prussia becomes Emperor
    William 1 became emporer of both Prussia and the newly united Germany. His title of King of Prussia and Germany was then pasted down throw his family.
  • Franco Prussian War

    Franco Prussian War
    The Franco Prussian war was foght between the Prussia people and France. Prussia sneekely changed the words of a news artical so it looked like the king of France insulted Bismarch. They won the war they creasted.
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    Popultion growth

    Population incresed by 1.34 percent before the first world war. In 1971 the population was 41 million and in 1891 the population was 49.7 million.
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    Campaign aganst the church (Kulturekampf)

    Kulturekampf means a 'culture struggle'. Otto Von Bismarck of Germany enacted a Kulturekampf agenst the Cathlic cherch.
  • Second Reich is created

    Second Reich is created
    The Second Reich was the called the "second Reich becaues the german people belived that the holy roman empire was the first Reich.
  • Bismarck becomes chancellor

    Bismarck becomes chancellor
    Bismarch was know as the "Iron Chancellor". He was able to keep the pecie in Europe for many years.
  • Campain agenst the socialists

    Campain agenst the socialists
    Bismarch began to fight agesnt the socialists by reforming his crimanal laws to make them more harsh. He also made restrictions on the press
  • William II becomes Kaiser

    William II becomes Kaiser
    William II became Kaiser aftert the death of William the 1. The death of William the first accoured just before Bismarch resignd.
  • Bismarck resigns

    Bismarck resigns
    Bismarck resigns after the death of William 1. He devoted his last days in office wrighting his memoirs