Period: to
Napoleon invades German Islands
Napoleon invades the German Islands to annex them. He disolved the Holy Roman Empire by forcing the Emperor of Austriato agree to the leeser title of king. -
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Congress of VIenns
The goal of the Congress of VIenna was to fix what Napoleon had broken. The chief goal was to create long lasting peace. They also wanted to keep France weak and isolated. It was a succses. -
Otto Von Bismarcks Birth
Otton Von Biamarck wrote the "blood and iron" speech in 1862. He was determined to build a strong unified Germany with Prussia at its head. -
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The zollverein got rid of trade barriers between the German speaking states. The people offered the thrown back to Fredrick William I. -
Frankfurt Assembly Demands Unity
Liberals in the Frankfurt Assembly wanted political unity in Germany. -
Fredrick William VI is offered the throne
He is offered the throne but turned it down because he didnt wwant to be offered the throne by people. -
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Economic Development
Germany improved electrical and chemical industriese. They had the resorces needed to make steel. -
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William I of Prussia becomes Emperor
His prime minester achived the unification og Germany. -
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Bismarck becomes prime minister
Bismarck prevoked wars that dominates over Austria and France. -
Blood and Iron speach
Bismarck wrote this speach. It was about the unification of the German territories. -
Bismarck declares war on Denmark
This war was caused over who should rule Shleswig and Holstein. They are both countries with German Populations. -
Bismarck Delcalres war on Austria
Austria feared it would lose respect to the smaller states within the Conferderation on Germany. -
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Bismarck becomes Chancellor
Bismarck was the chancellor of the North German Confederation. Achancellor is the highest official of a monarchy. -
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Franco- Prussian war
Bismarck tricked Napoleon into starting a war with Prussia. -
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campain against the Socialists
Bismark feared that socialism would cause a revolt. He created laws against the social class but the working class unified to support socialists. -
Constitution drafted by Bismarck
Historians offten refered to this as Bismarcks Imperial Constetution. -
Second Reich is Created
Bismarck created the second Reich of Germany. -
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Population Growth
In 1871 the population was 41 million people. In 1914 the population was 67 million people. -
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Campaign againsst the church ( Kulturekampf)
Bismarck wanted to stop catholic threat. Anyone who resisted the kulturekampf was killed or put in jail. -
House of Krupp
The Krupp industrial empire was one of Germany's wealthiest and most powerful corporations, and it contributed to the armaments used in several of its country's wars -
William II becomes Kaiser
He was a strong nationalist. He spent his money on the military. -
Bismarck resigns
William II believed he was the one and only ruler and asked Bismarck to resign. Bismarck had died on July 30, 1898